She Was Milking That Breastfeeding Mother Thing For All It Was Worth

Here’s another sign that I’m either losing my touch, or I’ve seen one too many weird news stories. It was all over the net. Har har, it was also all over her car, but ya know. Anyway, the story of Stephanie Robinette was everywhere. I guess she and her husband were at a wedding, and …

Prickly Situation

I saw this a little while ago and knew I wanted to post about it. But my brain still was pretty fried, so nothing happened. I’m sure lots of times, parents have said they’ll kick their kids out of their car and leave them behind. Of course, they won’t do it. Well, this parent did. …

Don’t Forget To Sort That Into The Orgasmic Waste Bag

I really have become quite jaded. I can read a story about a woman chopping off her husband’s penis and think “Meh, whatever.” But a couple things about this one caught my attention. After she had, um, removed his thing, she put it through the garbage disposal! Oh dear. Unlike John Bobbitt, he ain’t gettin’ …

>A Piece of Computer History Come To Life

>Woe. Here’s something you don’t see every day. A guy got his hands on a 1964 modem, and brought it online. This thing was as simple as she gets. It wasn’t even close to a digital modem. 300 Bod. Hello. You know what’s funny? My parents would have been around in this modem’s era, but …

What A Difference A Dog Makes!

Since I’ve been such a blog slacker this year, I missed the April assistance dog blog carnival. Plus I was kinda stressed out by something which I still need to write about. But anyway, the July one came up and I decided I was going to do my best to hit it. So I went …

Williams And McDaniel, Wake Up To The Alarm Bell

Goddamn it I’m shaking, and I didn’t go through anything super uber scary. I mean, I did, but on the scale, there are far worse things. But it’s been a little while, and I’m still sitting here, heart pounding, having trouble getting air. Here’s the scene. I’m taking Trix out to pee. It’s 30 degrees …

An Inside Look At A Call Centre In India

Reading this description of life as a call centre agent in India was really interesting. Interesting, and sad. But it also made me chuckle because of a comedy bit that Steve was recently talking about. I guess someone, whose name escapes him, was talking about how these Indian-sounding fellers always had very American names like …

Tip The Wheelchair Man, Or He’ll Tip You Out Of Your Wheelchair!

Wheelchair Abandoned In North Guelph I read the story, and have so many questions. How did the chair get separated from its user? And why out in that deserted area? Did someone steal the chair? Was there an unidentified man across the street who couldn’t get up? Or did someone attend one of those religious …