Keep Your Friends Close And Your Enemas Closer

Hmmm. This is just weird. This is the story. Wish I had more details. One sunday afternoon, an unnamed man who is apparently pretty close to blind got a knock on his door. “I’m here to give you an enema,” a woman said. He had just had some intestinal surgery, so thought maybe this was …

Pictures Of Littluns, Gave The Cops An Eye Full

Here’s the story of John M. Kohler. Someone called the cops, complaining that he was outside wacking off to kids walking by. They came and found him lying on his back on his porch. When they asked him for ID, he told them they could come in while he looked for it. I guess he …

Surprise! You’re Going To Jail!

Ok we have a new twist on the whole “Do I have warrants?” theme, thanks to David Williams of Surprise, Arizona, which is a fitting name for something like this to happen in. Williams waltzed up to a police officer and asked him if he had ever arrested him before. He hadn’t, but Williams had …

>Bringing A Whole New Meaning To Cybersex

>And I thought the RealTouch was nasty. Some japanese scientists have created a kissing machine. The lab, part of The University of Electro-Communications, posted a video in which a researcher demonstrates the “Kiss Transmission Device.” It’s a motorized box that looks a little like a police Breathalyzer. Talk about your moment killer. In the video, …

You, Put Out My Lights, I Have No Hope, To Carry On…

I don’t know why I feel the need to write about this. I just read yesterday that Joseph Brooks, the one who wrote “You Light Up My Life”, committed suicide. You’d think that would be reason enough to write about it. Who stopped lighting up his life? Where was all the hope to carry on? …

Does This Article Hold Any Water?

Whenever someone new follows me on Twitter, I always have a boo at their timeline to decide whether I want to follow them back, or to make sure they aren’t a spammer. I was looking at a new follower last night, and saw this in their timeline. How much water should a dog drink in …

Hey Look! It’s A World! And It’s Not Ending!

Well, Steve and I were going to do a cast all about the rapture just so we could joke about it and laugh a lot at Harold Camping. But Steve’s had a little trouble sleeping lately, so just wasn’t feelin’ it. So I figured I’d ramble a while here. You can see that it’s after …

Wonder How Many People Will Get Harfed On From Above

As soon as I saw the story about the CN Tower’s new feature, the EdgeWalk, I thought of Matt’s post about the CN Tower. Matt, would this be more exciting? So what’s with this whole EdgeWalk thing? Now, for an extra 175 bucks, you can be strapped into a safety harness and walk around a …