So let’s start something new here that hopefully will last at least 3 weeks! Thursday 13’s. All the loser kids are doin’ it – and lord knows we fit in to that category. So this week’s topic is… 13 People That Deserve A Solid Kick To The Nuts These are in no particular order. 1. …
Author Archives: Matt
In Chapter 3 We’re Reduced To Petty Vandalism. Story Cont’d
OK, OK, so I buggered off yesterday and never finished the story. I’m sure you weren’t that torn apart by it. When last we visited with our friends, we were meeting up with our prematurely evacuated friends outside the Dome. So we all piled back in to our limo where we tied back in to …
Continue reading “In Chapter 3 We’re Reduced To Petty Vandalism. Story Cont’d”
Fun In Toronto (Cont’d)
When last we left our heroes, they were entering the Rogers Centre in Toronto for the Blue Jays home opener… and heavily intoxicated. So we were pushing it for time when we arrived and by the time we got to the 5th deck it was pretty loud in the buiding but we couldn’t go to …
A Rainy Day Story
Well excitement and action seem to have come to a stop around here for the lasst 2 little bit, so I figured I’d tell a story I made mention of a few days ago. It’s a long and drunken one so settle in. Also, for the record. It’s not raining. Our story begins sometime in …
>Just Another Manic… Tuesday
>Greeting & Salutations I trust you all enjoyed your long weekend. Where I was, just like most of Ontario, it was bitterly cold for the unofficial “Start Of Summer”. We scrapped the cottaging/camping ideas for much better ones of staying home on the couch. I had a friend in from out of town whom I …
The Redicuclock
Is it true the best rants are always when your day starts like shit? I don’t know if that’s the case or not – but if it is this may be the best post I’ve ever had – cuz I’m sure not happy. Unfortuantely, since I’m also not well-rested, it probably won’t be. Our family …
And….. Plug!
Well nothing makes me feel more at home on the Ol’ VC than pimping shit that has nothing to do with the VC. That’s just what we do. Especially when we first got started. So I might as well do it again. Yesterday I made mention of the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life and …
Back One Day – And Already Asking For Favours
Alright, Kids. Here’s your mission. A group of us are walking in the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life. It’s a great event. The idea, basically, is that you enter a team of 10, each of you fundraises $100 and then show up to the event and walk all night. 7pm – 7am. You, personally. …
Continue reading “Back One Day – And Already Asking For Favours”
A Personal Challenge
Happy Hump Day, So I’m back… again… after a… I dunno probably 3 month break since the last post. I’m back home for the summer and returning to somewhat of a farmiliar routine and am going to make it a personal challenge to myself to try and post on here regularly. Who knows whether it …
A True Internet Love Story
Found this on a pretty funny site. where to these people come from??? —One day in a popular chat room, a young religious man by the name of ILuVGod32 posted an invitation reading, “Any ladies who would not find it too much trouble to have cyber sex with me, please send me a private message.” …