So I’m taking a Goalball team to the Windsor Classic Indoor Games in March and I’m not going with my usual provincial teams. It is, in fact, an under 23 tournament so there are only two players on my usual team eligible to play and we are on different teams for competition’s sake. There will …
Author Archives: Matt
That’s Not A Sport
So I didn’t have a very good weekend. I had some plans fall through on Friday night, weather was shit on Saturday and to top it all off, the Eagles couldn’t get it done in the big game last night. Anyway there’s something that’s been bothering me of late, and it’s small and petty, but …
Dinner Rolls Are Too Big
So this guy goes to see his Doctor to complain about his erectile difficulty. He tells the Doctor that this isn’t a normal problem. It’s really really bad and none of the traditional pills or medicines has worked yet. Not even the world famous Viagary. He’s looking for something a bit more unconventional now. The …
You Guys Must Have Been Bored Yesterday!
Wow. You guys must have been bored yesterday. We had our highest hit count in a long long time. I can’t remember the last time it was that high. It’s been a few months at least. So thanks.
Goalball Tournament
If you don’t know what goalball is, you might as well skip this post. OBSA is organizing an age 23 and under goalball tournament to be held in early March. If you’re interested, under 23 and live in or near Ontario Canada you can either e-mail me or leave a comment on the board. If …
Is This Cliche Or Am I Just A Prick?
Let me start this by saying that if you can give anything for the Tsunami relief effort, I definitely think you should. I had to put that before I write this because there are some people out there who are a little over-sensitive about this kinda stuff. Even if it is just merely for discussion. …
How Is It That You Get To Represent Your Country?!?
So I’ve been taking in mass amounts of hockey over the holidays with the World Junior Hockey Championships going on. I mean who knows when we’ll get some more good hockey. But there are three instances that have taken place at this year’s even that just make me shake my head and wonder how some …
Continue reading “How Is It That You Get To Represent Your Country?!?”
What an Odd Combination
Over the last few days I’ve been listening to the oddest thing and been pleasnatly surprised on how much I actually enjoy it. I downloaded the tracks from that Jay-Z/Linkin Park colaboration and I’ve actually thought it was pretty good. Now I’m not usually much of a Jay-Z fan and definitely not a Linkin Park …
Spongiest Movie Ever
Well there. That didn’t take too long. Only about 2 days and I’m back here \again. Tonight I went to see…. wait for it…. the SpongeBob Squarepants movie. It’s not what you think. A friend of mine was babysitting and was gonna take her guest and so we decided to tag along since we had …
Ah, Why Not?
So holey crap, it’s me. I don’t remember the last time I posted here but it was certainly a while ago. I see Steve and Carin have been getting some pretty good numbers in my absense so I figured I should come back and try to post a bit more regularly to try and bring …