This Is Full Of Satanny Goodness

This was sent to me by everyone’s “favourite” commenter, Satan. It needs no introduction so it will get none. Enjoy I think it’s been almost a week now since I challenged our resident “Insider” Nick, to post a coherent message on the board that I couldn’t make fun of. So far I have yet to …

VC’s WrestleMania Table For Two

Well good Saturday night to you all. Me and Steve figured that with WrestleMania tomorrow night we’d throw up a predictions roundtable. We also realized that with only two people, it would be more of a table for two than a roundtable so we’ll go with that for a title. We’re both just gonna give …

Maybe Now We Can Stop Talking About This

Well today the Caps sent Gonchar to the Bruins in exchange for basically ammounts to nothing. Hopefully this means that we can all stop talking about him and move on to a player that we actually need. Leafs fans, myself included, have such a huge arrogance that it can shadow reality. We’ve all been guilty …