Things for Karine to Take Pride In…. And Work On

Well Karine asked me on the comment board if I enjoyed Scandenavia so I figured that’s as good a thing to post on as any… so here we go. The countries I visited had far calmer and far nicer citizens than what we have here. Canadians are so nice? Bullshit. Go to Sweden. The people …

These People Are So Nice… And I Hate Them For It

Well I’m home. I’ve been back for a day or so now but the jetlag was hittin’ me pretty heavy so I didn’t feel like saying much. I’ve read back a bit. There’s been quite the flow of comments since I’ve been gone. Nice to see. Everything from the demise of A-Time’s most recent relationship …

Cool Story Of The Day

I heard this on the radio again this morning and I think it’s definitely noteworthy. Scientists in Russia have successfully grown a new dick for a Russian, teenage boy. They graphed the skin and allowed it to grow off of his bicep.(try explaining that in the summer). The graph was a complete success as, miraculously, …

Gays Get Defensive. Kevin Smith Gets Defensive and Then Gays Get Defensive Again

Well I just read something that I had to push along your way cuz it’s a real funny read. If you’re evented by gay jokes, I wouldn’t proceed if I were you. If you enjoy laughing, I would highly suggest you proceed. By the way, this came from This comes from September 2001. Let’s …