Just a quick note. The comments are back up and working. I still need to do some format work to make those ugly little numbers dissapear but it is functional if you decide you want to comment on something. Thanks for your patience, everyone.
Author Archives: Matt
Some More Rejected Christmas Carols. (WITH BAD LYRICS AND EVERYTHING!)
Well, one of our more intellectually gifted Vomiteers has written in with 2 new Rejected Christmas carols and he has even taken the time to write out the lyrics too. Much thank you…. Well we’ll call you Lunchbox’s friend. Here they are…. “anyway, the point of this email is to deliver you two famous christmas …
Continue reading “Some More Rejected Christmas Carols. (WITH BAD LYRICS AND EVERYTHING!)”
Something Smells Sexy
Good Day to you all, Well, I just did some online ordering from ticketmaster.com and I must say that I am most displeased. It’s very rare that I do anything online that has to do with my money as there are just too many things that can go wrong. Lately, I’ve become more adventerous though …
Don’t Feel Rejected You Reject
Well, right now I’m in the middle of work, a column due today for Salty Ham Sports and the first chapter of a story that I’ve decided to write so you loyal visitors have been rejected today. Well. I’ll put an end to that. And it’s not like there’s been any shortage of stuff to …
Just Checkin’ In
Hey everyone. Just checkin’ in cuz I ain’t posted anything today and Steve is a piece of shit… err… I mean sorry. Steve feels like shit. My bad. So our comments are down. That’s great. Much thanks to Karine for passing on some info for other options for commenting and I’ll try to get that …
To Hell With Canadian Tire
So the other day I’m at Canadian Tire. For our not-so-Canadian friends its basically a hardware/sporting goods/home supplies combination store that you can usually find what you’re looking for in. On this particular day, it is absolutely packed. There are about 7 counters, only 2 of which are opened and no less than 35 people …
A Tale Of Adversity
Gather around, all, as I will pass on to you an inspiring tale of adversity. This past weekend in Guelph a hockey tournament for boys ages 10-12 was held. It was open to teams from all over Ontario. One of the teams that decided to attend was from Peterborough. The tournament was to start on …
A Lesson In Randomness
Hello, Vomiteers! Boy. it’s been a few days so I figured I’d throw some shit up on here for you. Steve’s been doing the bulk of the writing over the last week or so, so much love to him for that. My weekends are generally not real inspiring but I’ll take a stab at getting …
Timberlake is Cool???
I just saw this brutal piece of news and thought I’d pass it on as it has left me in a state of shock and confusion. I can’t feel my ears. Can you ever feel your ears? Hmm. Anyway. Here we go…. Justin Timberlake The ‘Coolest Person In The World.’ Posted By Kenny Hammond on …
Back Yard Wrestling Game Review. (PS2)
Here’s a lil review of a game I’ve been waiting for for a very long time… Just to make sure there is no misunderstandings here, I have absolutely no problem with the premise. I review a game on it’s own merits and not based on hackneyed opinion pieces from “concerned’ parents. As a concerned parent …