Well, I’ve yet again left a Toronto sporting event with a bad taste in my mouth. The Argo’s played a hell of a game against the heavily favoured Montreal Allouette’s despite being at a huge disadvantage. The game was played at Montreal’s Olympic Stadium where there were 60 000 fans. When Montreal was on offense, …
Author Archives: Matt
This Sick Experiment Needs To Be Ended
I just watched the Leaf game and I’m so sick and tired of watching the Leafs play perfectly good games and still having a bad taste in my mouth afterwards. It’s the same thing every time. God damn sack of crap Wade Belak. We see the same routine with this guy and Pat Quinn. Quinn …
Adventures At The Mall… And Hatred Towards Offspring
So…. last night I went to the mall. I’ll give you a moment to take all that in…… Nothing out of the ordinary. Bought some decent clothes for work, dropped over $200.00 on cd’s and dvd’s, y’know? the usual. Towards the end of my adventure at the mall, I find myself waiting outside Randy River …
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Ask At Your Own Risk. November 7, 2003
Well, we here at the VomitComet decided that it was time for us to help out the common man with an advice column. Now, since very few of you wrote in, we simply stole questions from other websites and answered them the way they should have been answered instead of the sugar coated garbage that …
Ok. Let’s Have Some Fun
Well that last post was kinda depressing and so let’s move on with something a little bit more fun. I’ll give you some very brief background and then ask for some help. Here at work I share a desk with a man who, is quite possibly, the most ignorant person to ever walk this planet. …
Seriously. This Scares The Shit Out Of Me
On the news this morning they’re talking about a brawl that took place outside a highschool last night at about 9:30pm. (just as night classes were letting out) Now, that in itself isn’t all that scarey as school yard brawls aren’t completely uncommon in a big city like Toronto. What’s scarey is the fact that …
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Pro Athletes Are Retarded
Well, I’ve heard 2 headlines in the last 2 days in the world of Pro-Sports, both of which leave me scratching my head. Let’s go in chronological order, shall we? Two days ago Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez of the WORLD CHAMPION Florida Marlins filed for free agency. Now, that in itself isn’t insanely off the wall …
I Won’t Be Mad If You Don’t Read This
Well good day, all. I’ll warn you all right now I have nothing of any importance to say at this point in the day and I’m really only posting cuz I haven’t done fuck all around here to help Steve out and he’s been doing an admirable job. And to avoid infighting I figured I …
Symba 42! Symba 42! Set! Hut Hut!
Well good Monday Morning to you all! I hope the weekend fount you well. It certainly did me and left me with lots to talk about. I spent a good portion of the weekend in Toronto with some friends. On Saturday afternoon seeing the much acclaimed Lion King Musical and then visited Planet Hollywood for …
Hallowe’en Countdown. Last Edition
Well, it’s an emotional day. It’s the last installment for the Hallowe’en Countdown which really wasn’t a countdown since there was no particular order. And I’ll admit this is is a very anti-climactic end to the “countdown” as there have been more amusing edtions… but it’s still good and it’s still hard to be done …