More Things Suck

If you’d like to read Matt’s thoughts on more things in the media that currently piss him off – text “STEVEGAY” to 12345. If you’d like to read about Matt’s family vacation when he was 10 as he camped in Algonquin Park – text “STEVEFAT” to 12354. I’ll wait. That’s what I thought. Advertisers have …

Some Ramblings – Part of Which Makes Me Feel Old

I’m at a serious loss for music right now. Part of this is due to the fact that I had a fire at my place a month or so back and still haven’t gotten my iPod back from the company who took the electronics to clean them. But mainly just because nothing has struck me …

Matt Struggles to Understand Human Interaction

Good Day to you all! I recently received a friend request on Facebook from someone who attended the same high school as me. I probably spoke 9 words to this person in the entire time we were at the same school, and haven’t heard from them since (about 6 years) and now out of the …

It’s Not Quite The Same

So Track & Field has finally gotten started in Beijing and I can’t help but notice a rather obvious absence from Team Canada… and it’s not someone you might think. This is the first time in my lifetime that I have sat down to watch an Olympic Games, or really any major Canadian sporting event, …