J.P. Screws His Own Team… I Guess.

So… Here’s something from the “I’m A Classless Ass” File for your dinner-hour enjoyment. A few weeks ago J.P. Ricciardi, GM of the Toronto Blue Jays called up rookie pitcher, Scott Richmond, to fill as the 5th starter for the team as injuries had cost the Jays a few players and current 5th starter, Jesse …

"I Punched That Girl – And I Liked It!"

I’m so sick of that god-damn I Kissed a Girl Song. Holy Shit! Enough! It’s not even a clever song – it was just an excuse to make a mildly sexual video and give drunk 20 year old girls an excuse to make-out in night clubs. …Alright so the song’s not all bad. But still! …

I Can Ride My Bike With No Handlebars

Sorry about the obscure title – but I’ve had that song stuck in my head for the last…. 4 months or so. It’s pretty much the greatest thing ever. This will basically be a stream of consciousness – largely geared around sports so if you’re not a sporty kinda person you can probably scroll on …

Matt’s Mission of Evil is Well On It’s Way!

Well you can’t say I don’t get shit done! Or down in this case! When I returned to the VC fold on Thursday I said that I was back to see if I couldn’t kill all the good work that Steve and Carin had built up over the last couple of years. Please take a …

Summer Love and a Preview of World War III: African Round Ball Style

Morning friends; So I didn’t have much to say this morning as, let’s face it, it’s sunday and I’m hungover as shit. I have, however, in the last 2 day watched an inhuman ammount of Olympic coverage – mainly of sports I would rarely take any interest in. I am quickly becoming a fan of …

I’m Feeling Very Olympic Today

So as I sit here writing this I’m watching the live feed of the Opening Ceremonies from the Beijing Olympics. I’ll be honest with you. I like to consider myself fairly knowledgeable when it comes to sports and to a lesser extent – I do think I’m at least mildly knowledgeable about my world geography….. …