And Now For Something No One Asked For

Hello, Friends; Matt is back…. even though absolutely no one requested it. I should explain my absence over the last oh….. 3 years or so. You see, my plan was to leave the VC for a while and have all my wildly dedicated fans get to the point where they missed me so much that …

So What’s Up With This Jew Thing, Anyway?

So I’ll start this post by making it VERY clear that this is a post of ignorance – and not meant to be an attack of any kind – simply a question. tonight on the news was an interestion story on a very talented young hockey player entering the Quebec Major Junior League. But – …

Famous Just For Being Famous

It never stops amazing me how infatuated our society is with the famous. Never at any time in history of their been so many magazines, radio shows, and ET style tv shows all dedicated to just celebrity gossip. It boggles the mind. And we’re all guilty, some more than others, but in our own way. …