Hello, Friends; Matt is back…. even though absolutely no one requested it. I should explain my absence over the last oh….. 3 years or so. You see, my plan was to leave the VC for a while and have all my wildly dedicated fans get to the point where they missed me so much that …
Author Archives: Matt
5th Anniversary
Well we all know what today is the anniversary of – and while I didn’t think it was appropriate to let the day go by without acknowledgement, I also, personally, feel I do not posess the words to respectfully enough voice the feelings that so many people would have on a day like this, for …
Ahhh Mother Fuck Hedley!
So let me preface this by stating for the record that I’m pretty much tanked as we prepare to head out to the closest night club as they serve up dollar drafts every Thursday (College) Night. So tonight there’s an actual reason for my shitty typing and nonsensical typing. So tonight Hedley plays it our …
Just Checkin’ In
Hey Kids, I’m just checkin’ in here for a minute. Things are hectic, as they always are around a move – just ask Steve and Carin. I got moved in to the new house on Saturday and it’s been non stop ever since. Today was first day back to class. Pretty basic stuff for a …
…And Nothing Else Matters
So, the Jays have lost 4 in a row, the Argos are 3rd of 4 teams in the East, the Leafs refuse to open the wallet and sign Carter, I overslept this morning, I’m not even close to done packing with only one day left to do it, I forgot my cell at home… but …
Oh That’s Just Gay
So on the same news show last night as the big Jew story I asked about yesterday – they were also talking about something that kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Apparently a while back, a gay couple won some kind of court ruling over the province of British Columbia when they argued that …
So What’s Up With This Jew Thing, Anyway?
So I’ll start this post by making it VERY clear that this is a post of ignorance – and not meant to be an attack of any kind – simply a question. tonight on the news was an interestion story on a very talented young hockey player entering the Quebec Major Junior League. But – …
Continue reading “So What’s Up With This Jew Thing, Anyway?”
Famous Just For Being Famous
It never stops amazing me how infatuated our society is with the famous. Never at any time in history of their been so many magazines, radio shows, and ET style tv shows all dedicated to just celebrity gossip. It boggles the mind. And we’re all guilty, some more than others, but in our own way. …
Sex With Old People
Well not really. But it got your attention. Am I the only person tired of hearing and old hag tell young people who to get off? Anyone in Canada knows what I’m talking about. That fucked up Sex with Sue Johanson show that’s on all the time. It’s not even just the show anymore – …
Warriors Of The World
Good Morning, Friends So it’s been a while since I’ve had to rant on these losers – but here it is. I’m sooo tired of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I believe I said on this very site like year fucking years ago that it was time for these guys to hang it up, but …