Well got nothing else to do – so here’s randomness. That awful new Paris Hilton song is stuck in my head. If you haven’t heard it, don’t. Just believe me it’s awful. Man I like some gay shit lately. My 8 year old cousin won second prize at the Harcourt Park Olympics at my cottage …
Author Archives: Matt
Go West
Am I the only one who when they hear the song “King Of Wishful Thinking” by Go West can’t help but to sing “King Of Rip Van Winkle”? Ya… ? Alright. Just checking.
You Can Sell Pretty Much Anything On Ebay
Well this is (apparently) the chance of a lifetime. That’s right. Now you can be the envy of your friends if you are the high bidder on Ebay. You will win the chance to manage Buff Bagwell Um…. if this would be your dream come true – you need a new dream. (I’m looking at …
Continue reading “You Can Sell Pretty Much Anything On Ebay”
Marriage Problems
So John and Mary are having problems in their marriage. She hangs, he drinks and they fight all the time. It never ends. Finally, after weeks of nagging him to no end about it, Mary finally convinces John to go to a marriage counseller. On the day of the appointment, they’re fighting is worse than …
Well… It Ain’t A Door – But It’s Cool
So today we made another landmark purchase. It won’t be as cool as the door we’ve all been talking about agani recently – but it’s pretty sweet so it warranted a post. Our family owns a cottage in Harcourt Park. Harcourt Park is in cottage country and is a privately owned huge piece of property …
Paralympic Swimmer Crosses Lake Ontario
You can call me a sap or just straight biased towards Paralympic sport – but this immediately improves my previously shitty day. This was just sent out by Paralympics Ontario “Jenna Lambert, a 15 year old, with cerebral palsy, was successful in completing her marathon swim across Lake Ontario. Jenna’s crossing took place on July …
Stream of Negativity
Here we go kids. So I just finished lunch at Subway – which normally I love. My bread was stail and the meat smelled funny. This leaves me unhappy. I’m doing company billing today. The program we uses only allows one person in the office to access the Billing section at once to prevent someone …
So I have just returned from lunch and on this particular occasion it was time for something new – and since it’s not just new for me but is actually new for the world – I thought I would review it for you here so that you may base your opinions moving forward solely on …
You know how I usually start these posts, when I have nothing to say, by saying that I’m just going to type and see what happens? Well today is a day, again, where I really have nothing to say. But this time I’m not going to type and hope something comes of it. So… ya…..
Great Times
Well I”m back from the Sunny South. We had a great time down there. Canadian Mens team finished 6th which was just good enough to qualify them for the 2008 Olympics and the Canadian Women won the tournament and earned the right to be called World Champions! That lead to quite a party afterwards – …