2006 World Goalball Championships. Online Radio

This was just sent to the old inbox for circulation. If you have no idea what Goalball is – the rest of this post will not interest you. Anyway – here’s the e-mail. “Hi Sports fans! We are just a few days away from the beginning of the 2006 IBSA World Goalball Championships, where we …

Hippest Birthday Ever

And that friends probably goes down as my lamest Title ever. Humblest apologies for subjecting you to it. Onward! So today is your third favourite VC writer’s birthday! Hizzah! Yes there’s been merriment abound today with well wishes, cards, a free lunch and so on. Not too shabby. I gotta tell you, though, that this …

VC Cares: An Important Lesson In Urination

So I spoke to a guy the other day who did not know how to piss in a urinal. Doesn’t seem that complicated, step up, zip down, flop out and aim in. However, interestingly, this is not the first person that I have spoken to in my travels with this particular problem. So it’s time …

I Miss The Days Where Rage Equalled Good Posts

Good afternoon, class. So I’m at work, and it sucks. And it’s Monday. And I’m tired. And everything that everyone is doing at any time seems to be pissing me off. When I started this blog in ’03 with Steve – that would have equalled a golden post. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, that no longer …

Things Get Naked. Tale Of Toronto Cont’d

So after finishing up at Murphy’s Law and leaving noticeable vacancies on the wall, we decided it was time to move on. Aaron’s eye was beginning to swell shut but the trooper swore he was still good to go. You gotta love guys with heart. We headed out to the limo and told the driver …