Why I Don’t Miss Social Media

DID YOU EVEN CONSIDER EVERY POSSIBLE LIVED EXPERIENCE BEFORE RECKLESSLY POSTING YOUR CHILI RECIPE ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Look, I get it. You thought what you posted was innocuous. Still, did you stop to think about everyone who has ever lived and how it could make them feel? I know, I know—all you did was share …

We Couldn’t Disqualify. The Criminal Didn’t Agree To That

You would think, considering how many other countries they’ve helped to destabilize over the years, that America would be aware that rather than allow the leader of a violent coup back into power as though nothing had happened, that the option to prosecute it to the fullest extent of the law is one that is …

Remember Ted Turner’s Music Video Channel? Me Neither

If you’re watching these ads right now and thinking to yourself what in the heck is this? I’ve never heard of the Cable Music Channel, don’t feel bad. Until now I hadn’t heard of it either, and not just because I was 4 years old when it launched on October 26th, 1984. I’m pretty sure …

1990s Eric Bischoff Wishes He Could Have Done This

Here’s a weird one. For decades, I’ve wished that we could get the USA Network in Canada so that I could see all of the WWE shows without all the preemptions and wonky scheduling that we get up here. That crap was a lot worse back in the TSN and syndication days to be fair, …

Finally! You Can Gift Patreon Time To A Friend! You’re Welcome

Obviously I’m not trying to take full credit for this development, but yeah, I might deserve a little. Since I put this up during lockdown Christmas it’s been one of the more consistently visited pages on the entire site, so you’re not convincing me it didn’t help move things along, even if that movement did …

So Long To The WWE Network As A TV Channel, And To WWE On Canadian TV

TV Channel Update: WWE Network We want to let you know that effective December 31, 2024, the broadcaster of WWE Network will be moving this content to Netflix, and it will no longer be available as an add-on with your TV package. Since you subscribe to WWE Network as a separate monthly service, it will …