Anyone Know Where I Can Cool Down?

This is either a fantastic parody of what a fantastically stupid person sounds like or a fantastically stupid person sounding fantastically stupid. I am having trouble coming to grips with the fact that we are at such a point in our history that I am unable to tell the difference. Aaron Desilly (sp?) eats a …

Pretty Sure I Just Got Robbed By This Guess The Oscar Winning Song Lyrics Quiz

Can You Guess the Oscar-Winning Song Based on the Lyrics? I got 75 percent here which kinda surprised me, but unless there’s something I’m not picking up on, it should have been higher. Without giving anything away, the one about talking to the sun I’m absolutely right about even though the damn thing keeps telling …

If You’re Wondering Where The City Of Cambridge’s Tweets Have Gone, Why Are You Still On Twitter?

Considering that Michael Shellenberger is the mayor’s idea of a good speaker for an addictions and mental health summit, I’ve got to say that I’m pleasantly surprised and borderline shocked to hear that the city is doing what we all should be doing if we haven’t already and getting off Twitter. If you made me guess …

Doug Ford Sending Money Through The Mail Like It’s 1992 Is Not A Mystery And Ohmygod I’m So Irritated By All Of This

If there’s anything that isn’t super annoying about Doug Ford lately, I can’t find it. Even when I was starting to kinda get on board with his patriotic fight for Canada against Trump gimmick, he had to go and ruin it by admitting, to what should be no one’s surprise, that he was happy Trump …

Definitely Going To Fool Them

“Ok now. Before we leave, I have to ask. Did you remember to properly label the drugs bag?” “You mean the definitely not drugs bag? Of course!” “That’s right! We can’t be driving around looking as dumb as those bag full of drugs guys.” “Nope. We’re way smarter than that! No way in hell we’re …