Doug Ford Sending Money Through The Mail Like It’s 1992 Is Not A Mystery And Ohmygod I’m So Irritated By All Of This

If there’s anything that isn’t super annoying about Doug Ford lately, I can’t find it. Even when I was starting to kinda get on board with his patriotic fight for Canada against Trump gimmick, he had to go and ruin it by admitting, to what should be no one’s surprise, that he was happy Trump …

Definitely Going To Fool Them

“Ok now. Before we leave, I have to ask. Did you remember to properly label the drugs bag?” “You mean the definitely not drugs bag? Of course!” “That’s right! We can’t be driving around looking as dumb as those bag full of drugs guys.” “Nope. We’re way smarter than that! No way in hell we’re …

Costly Government I Don’t Want Calls Costly Election None Of Us Needs

Premier Doug Ford confirms he will call snap Ontario election next week Ontario Premier Doug Ford plans to call a snap election Wednesday, using the threat of 25 per cent tariffs from U.S. President Donald Trump to justify his early call. That election call would send Ontarians to the polls on Feb. 27, more than …

Why I Don’t Miss Social Media

DID YOU EVEN CONSIDER EVERY POSSIBLE LIVED EXPERIENCE BEFORE RECKLESSLY POSTING YOUR CHILI RECIPE ON SOCIAL MEDIA? Look, I get it. You thought what you posted was innocuous. Still, did you stop to think about everyone who has ever lived and how it could make them feel? I know, I know—all you did was share …

We Couldn’t Disqualify. The Criminal Didn’t Agree To That

You would think, considering how many other countries they’ve helped to destabilize over the years, that America would be aware that rather than allow the leader of a violent coup back into power as though nothing had happened, that the option to prosecute it to the fullest extent of the law is one that is …