Now It’s My Turn: The Penis Game Continues

Ok, Matt’s had his fun with this, so now it’s my turn to take an, um, shot at it so to speak. Let’s go with the 2 most recent CD’s I picked up. First we have “Cool To Be You” by the Descendents. Really good album soon to be reviewed for Salty Ham, and it …

That’s A Great Idea

Prison Employs Inmates As Guards—————————————————————– A short-staffed prison in Mexico has hired 42 of its most fearsome inmates to act as guards. The convicts-turned-wardens will each be paid between £20 and £100 a month. They will help the real guards keep control in the overcrowded prison at Tepic. According to Mexican newspaper Reforma, the prisoners …

Most Disgusting Joke Contest

If you haven’t already seen it, scroll down the page a couple of posts and read the post called Consider Yourself Warned so you’ll know what this is all about. Somebody calling him or herself Mmm Mmm Good, This is downrigh, [which is one of the strangest names I’ve ever heard,] submitted this one. It’s …

If There Is A God, He’s A Sick Bastard

I’ve heard it said many times that God has a sense of humour, and if there is in fact a God, I have proof that he does, and that it’s twisted as hell. A man who comes from a place not too far away from where I live was recently out driving his car when …