Time To Lay Down The Law Again

I hate having to do stuff like this and I really wish that people would stop making it necissary. I got a complaint yesterday from our friend Carin who has written things for this site that somebody who we know reads this site regularly has gone out, found her email address and added it to …

Things, Stuff, Thoughts, Randomness, And More Of The Same

Welcome to Thursday. I’m Steve, otherwise known as the member of the Vomit Comet staff who can spell. Unfortunately, I’m also still the member of the Vomit Comet staff with the flu, and the one with a wonky computer. One of those problems seems to be fixed now but sadly, it ain’t the flu. Oh …

People I Don’t Feel Sorry For

The longer you spend in this world and the more you observe about it, the more you realize that there are certain groups of people who don’t deserve your sympathy. Certain groups of people who you shouldn’t have to be nice to, people who simply exist for you to ridicule and for other’s to take …

The Envelope Please

I just read this over onCBC News.It’s too funny not to post. Rumsfeld world’s best language-manglerLast Updated Tue, 02 Dec 2003 13:11:37 LONDON – U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has emerged the “clear” winner for a British award given to the worst mangler of the English language. The Plain English Campaign has handed Rumsfeld this …