I don’t Think So Buddy

Ok, so after seeing Matt try to save this relationship, I too decided to take Karine’s advice and use the Bitch Letter Generator to respond. Matt, you need to realize that this is over and there’s nothing you can do about it, unless somebody can come up with a program that can generate something really …

Well Isn’t That Special

A friend of mine just sent me this email that he got from Microsoft Canada regarding a problem he’d been having with them. It’s very funny but requires a little backstory to make sense. He recently got a new computer, yea for him! However, before he got the new computer, he also just finished paying …

Death By Pizza Hut

Remember thatconcertI was talking about yesterday? Well, thanks to the fine folks over at Pizza HutI never actually made it. The night was going so well too in spite of me being super tired. Our plan, which up to concert time was executed to perfection was to meet up at my house, swing by the …

Hey Kid, There’s Candy At My Themepark

Oops, nothing got posted yesterday. Oh well, there’s not really much any of us can do about that now. I was going to throw something up here last night but I came down with a madass migraine that kept me from doing anything other than laying on the couch and trying not to cry. My …

Must Be That Time Of Year Again

I know it’s getting close to being Christmas when I start seeing all of the Christmas humour in my email again. Most of it is all the same old crap that I’ve seen every year, but my brother sent me one today that I’d never seen and it’s pretty funny so here it is. Politically …