Yesterday while I was going through some of my old files trying to find something, I came across this old email a friend sent me and I thought I would share it with you all. This is such a great story. My Mom has a friend who’s a nurse at Ajax/Pickering General Hospital. A 35-year-old …
Author Archives: Steve Wettlaufer
Song Fight!
I found this site yesterday and it’s definitely worth a look if you’re into music at all. The idea is pretty simple. They post a title or 2 for potential songs on the front page, people have about a week to write, record and submit a song for the contest and then we get to …
Another Fairly Random Post
Well, I missed yesterday. Being busy plus a complete lack of topics equals no posts. Good thing Matt was here to save the day, and with possibly one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever read. Swords? And I love the official reaction of the police too. It pretty much amounted to “we’re pretty sure …
The Steve’s Mind Clearing House
Over the last day or 2 in our apartment building they’ve been trying to fix some water damage that was caused when somebody’s pipe burst and flooded out a bunch of other apartments. Because of this, they keep turning our water on and off. I don’t mind that, because I know that they’re going to …
Take The Bus With Me
Well happy Wednesday to you all, unless you live in one of those weird time zones where it either isn’t Wednesday yet or has been already. Or maybe you’re seeing this days into the future while finding the site for the first time and skimming the archives, or you haven’t been here in a few …
So I’m sitting here at my computer eating some soup after a fairly long day, reading some email and catching up on my wrestling news when I findthisposted on an otherwise high quality website. I’m not going to reproduce this in full, just the funniest part. How the webmaster, who is responsible for the content …
How Normal Are You?
Thanks toKarinefor this one that she left on the comment board. Head on over toBathroom Lifeand take the survey. Once you get to the main site, just click on survey and answer the questions. You don’t have to give your name or anything, which is a good thing. When you’re finished you’ll get to see …
Something Cool
I just realized something after I posted my last item. I’m pretty sure that this is the first post that is actually about vomit. That took longer than I thought.
I Hate That
I think one of the worst things in the world to have happen to you is to be cleaning out your fridge and happen upon something that you forgot you had. God it’s terrible when that happens. I think it would have to be right up there with cleaning up somebody else’s vomit or shitting …
Straight Out Of Left Field
This is kind of a weird one. I was talking to my girlfriend about names and somehow we got thinking about guys named Lynn. I think it started out as a conversation about guys with girly names and how weird it is. We were trying to think of girly named guys either famous or otherwise …