When I was linking to things earlier I forgot one. I encourage everybody to visitThe White House.You’ll be glad you did, unless you’re Republican, or one of those winey people who gets offended by things easily. But if you’re one of those, you probably shouldn’t even be here to begin with.
Author Archives: Steve Wettlaufer
Random Things
Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday. Trust me, it wasn’t for lack of trying. Things just kept distracting me and that combined with the fact that the posting system was on crack last night kind of prevented me from doing anything productive other than fucking up the site, which I think is fixed now. …
Writer’s Block
Note: I actually wrote this yesterday but between a combination of being tired, sidetracked with other things, and our posting system being on crack, it didn’t make it up. Actually I think it did but more on that in a few minutes. Enjoy the post, if this isn’t the third or fourth time you’re seeing …
I’m really not sure what’s gotten into people lately. First we had the guy who swam over Niagara Falls and now this that I just read inThis Is True. HEY, WATCH THIS! Two police officers on routine patrol in a New South Wales, Australia, park saw a man on top of a block of toilets …
Top 10 Signs You Are Too Old To Be Trick Or Treating
10. You get winded from knocking on the door. 9. You have to have another kid chew the candy for you. 8. You ask for high fiber candy only. 7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your balance and fall over. 6. People say, “Great Keith Richards mask!” and you’re …
Continue reading “Top 10 Signs You Are Too Old To Be Trick Or Treating”
Famous People
Just read a couple things that I thought were worth mentioning. First, Vanilla Ice is 35 today. Happy birthday to him. I respect Vanilla Ice for a few reasons. For one thing, he hardly ever puts out music anymore and when he does, it doesn’t show up on radio and haunt me everywhere I go. …
What’s Your Life Rated?
Found this quiz while I was surfing around. I always thought this stuff was kind of neat so I’m sharing it cause well, I can, damnit! It’s a test to figure out what your life would be rated on the MPAA movie ratings scale. Somehow I ended up with NC-17, that’s X for people who …
For some reason this didn’t post the first time but maybe that was for the best since I screwed something up anyway. Here it is again, hopefully all fixed. What’s In A Name? I just read that The Gator Corporation, the people behind some of the spyware we all love so much, has decided to …
Good Old Politics
Right now here in Canada one of the main stories making news involves a bunch of high ranking government officials taking trips on the dime of a wealthy business family named the Irvings. I know that the idea of politicians taking gifts from people and not wanting anybody to know about it is nothing new, …
Sympathy For The Devil?
I just saw on the news that a bunch of record stores that I don’t shop at due to retardedly high prices are protesting against a decision by The Rolling Stones to sell their new DVD boxed set through Best Buy and Future Shop exclusively and not include these other stores in the action. You …