Woohoo! I have just discovered that another bank has gone cool and made all their bank machines accessible to us blinks. I received a press release stating that Bank of Montreal’s bank machines talk, across the board, and I have played with one just to see if it did. And it does! It has a …
Category Archives: advocacy
I Made Both Papers!
Yea! Woo! My letter to the editor about roundabouts has made it into both papers. Maybe it’ll make people think. And it looks like they pretty much left it untouched.
One Letter In, One To Go
Remember yesterday when I said I wrote a letter to both papers? Well, it’s been published in one of ’em. I even got in the opinions section, not just the letters to the editor! Woohoo!
Do the Letter To The Editor Dance
I’ve talked about Roundabouts a little bit before. Well, now they want to put one on a major road in Guelph that basically would be at a pivital spot leading from anywhere to downtown. I’m not happy about this because of pedestrian-safety for the reasons I explained, sort of, in that post before. If you …
YUNiTi Update
Wow! All these people are fast. I just posted that thing about YUNiTi’s new captcha scheme. I have already heard from Marcos boyington, YUNiTi’s co-founder. He says the following: Hi Carin, Thanks for taking the time to send us an email, and I’m terribly sorry for not providing you with an alternative to contact us! …
I Smell Captcha Trouble On The Horizon
Remember back when I was celebrating the arrival of WebVisum, and I said I knew I wouldn’t be putting those stupid verification thingies in their place forever because they would always evolve and cause more misery? Well, here comes the pain. YUNiTi has come up with a new captcha that’s supposed to be easier to …
The guide Dog handler Who Cried Wolf
This is the first time I’ve been in the paper and not looked forward to seeing it go to print. Tell me something. If you click the link to the story, do I look decent in the picture? I left the house only intending to run a couple of errands. I was not thinking about …
Stop the Bus!
Remember how I said I was going to write a letter to the editor thanking the bus folk for calling out stops? Now I wish I’d never sent it because by the time it ran, I’d found that more often than not, stops aren’t called. Here’s what I said: Dear Editor – I want to …
Next Stop, Easier Bus Travel…In Theory
I wish I’d run home and written this post on Thursday night when it happened, It would have been a much more positive post than it is now. Guelph Transit drivers have finally been ordered to call out stops. So, after they stop at one stop, they call out the next stop so even us …
Trixie, How’d You Like One Of These?
Here’s a post I’ve been meaning to do for a few days. When I was doing my whole post about the change to CNIB, which according to some AEBC emails, involved some shady happenings, a lot of secrecy, and a vote that stunk of undemocraticness, whose result still hasn’t seen the online light of day, …