Not So Great-Grandmother

If I could ask Kimberly King one question, it wouldn’t be who puts down a fifth of Jim Beam while spending the day watching her great grandkids? I already know the answer to that one. She does. The question I’d be asking is what series of unfortunate life choices causes one to be a great-grandmother …

Boys On The Hood

Update: Stefanski has plead guilty to child endangerment charges and is looking at up to 3 years in prison. *original story below* While this incident from a few weeks back might on some level be sorta fun, I recognize that this one involves a highly dangerous concentration of radioactive retardity. Two Indiana parents are facing …

Not So Hot Wheels

I realize that this is completely stupid and dangerous and that I might have to murder somebody who tried it with my kid especially given the condition they were in at the time, but the kid part of me still thinks it would be pretty awesome and fun. The grandparents of a seven-year-old Florida girl …

A Post With A Bunch Of Stuff In It Just To Show You We’re Alive

So…this place sure has been hopping lately, eh? Yeah…about that. I’m sorry. Really, I am. But to be honest, it can’t be helped, and I can’t say when it’s going to get better. I don’t want to get into a whole lot of specifics, so I’ll leave it at this: There are a few things …

For Once, An Ass Explosion That Can’t Be Blamed On Taco Bell

It seems to me I have started posts in this manner before, but I must do so again. Believe it or not, there have been times in my life during which I have been very, very drunk. I’ve had some good ideas and some not so good ideas, and have even written a post or …

It’s The Occupy VC Cast

Well, it is here. The Occupy VC Cast, the Occucast, whatever you want to call it, it’s here…and it’s about to occupy about 2 hours of your time. It would be awesome if you found it 99% funny. We divided it into 4 parts. It would have been only 3, but well, ya see, I’m …

Quality Time…Served?

I wonder why Charles Edward Meinhart Junior just had to visit his dad so badly. His dad was in jail, and he came in to see him, looking a little drunk. When he was informed that it wasn’t visiting time, he lost it, and got himself arrested. Not only that, but while officers were talking …

Drunk, Alcoholic, Idiot, What’s The Difference?

Talk about doing everything wrong. Drinking and driving is one of the stupidest, most dangerous things a person can do. Drinking and driving while wearing your “I’m Not An Alcoholic, I’m A Drunk” t-shirt, that’s even worse. Drinking and driving while wearing that shirt and then ploughing your car into a police cruiser…this really isn’t …

I’m Not Cutout For This

Is there a better way to start your day than by reading a quick story about an intoxicated sex offender named Charlie J. Price making out with a cardboard cutout woman in a Rite Aid display? No, I say! Saturday around 5 p.m., Price, who was allegedly intoxicated, walked into the Rite Aid pharmacy, “grabbed …