A Heated Battle Over Rent Money

When we lived in our old place waaaay back in the days when Steve’s laundry basket was stolen and drunks came for an unintended sleepover, we used to joke that the owner of our building was a mobster. It’s a good thing we were never late with rent. Otherwise, this may have happened to us. …

Final Update On Everyone’s Favourite Burger King Smasher Upper

The story of Nekiva Hardy and her Burger King distruction is finally reaching its end…for now at least. Hardy, who we’ve written about here, here, here and here, plead no contest to a variety of charges and was sentenced to 45 days in jail. Since she’s already spent about a month in custody, she’ll be …

I Am Bombed, And I May Also Have A Bomb…Do With That What You Will

I can’t decide who the bigger fool is here. It’s either drunken Christian Boncorps, 61, who told airport staff that his name was Bin Laden and he had a bomb in his bag, or it’s the airport ticket/security agents who waited 40 minutes to call police, sent him through standard screening and then put his …

I Hear Through The Grapevine That He Might Be A Bit Upset

What to do when the 71-year-old ex wife you share your home with has a problem with you having your new girlfriend over? If you’re 75-year-old Sebastiano Russo, the answer is easy.Drunkenly throw a grape at her head, then threaten to murder her and burn down the house. A witness told the investigating deputy that …

It’s Listen Up, Not Light Up

This story of a very drunk man trying to light his hearing aid thinking it was a cigarette reminds me of this old joke. Two elderly men were eating breakfast in a restaurant one morning. Stanley noticed something funny about Joe’s ear. He said, “Joe did you know you’ve got a suppository in your left …

She Used To Run MADD, Now She’s Gone Mad

This is a pretty run of the mill story. Debra Oberlin was seen driving her car in an eratic manner. So, cops pulled her over, and had her do the ol’ field sobriety tests. She didn’t do so well and was arrested. But what earns it a place here is that Debra Oberlin used to …

If She Takes Off, Who’s Watching The Kids?

This Burger King story just won’t end. Let’s see, where are we now? Nekiva Hardy has come clean about who she is, and thankfully she’s admitted that none of her children were with her on the trip. Why did she say they were? Well, if you’ve got your kids with you, you’re less likely to …

Her Story Is As Real As The Meat In A Fast Food Hamburger

Last week, you all heardthe amazing story of Kimesa Smith.If you’ve somehow managed to forget, she’s the one who busted up the Burger King during spring break after being dissatisfied with the service. Believe it or not, things have just taken another twist. Turns out that Kimesa Smith didn’t trash any restaurant,Nekiva Vonte Hardy did. …

Your Way, Not So Much Right Away

Ok, where to begin? So much going onhere. Mother of 4 Kimesa Smith, enjoying a trip to spring break with a few of the little ones, ran into some fast food service that was too far to the opposite end of fast for her liking. Since you’re reading this here, you know what happens next. …

The Cozycast Is Finally Here!

Sorry this is going up so late, and sorry for the general neglect of this place over the last little while. Laziness, busyness, illness, hung overness and going out and having funness haven’t made for the best of reading lately. Hopefully things can start getting back to normal soon, but to hold you over until …