Somebody’s Been Sleeping On My Couch…And There He Is!

That does it, we’re starting a wrong house tag. Early Sunday morning, 34-year-old Christopher Paul Silga of St. Martin, Mississippi,was hit with DUI and trespassing charges after a night on the town. His troubles began when he arrived what he thought was home from the bar. Rather than being safe and sound at his girlfriend’s …

I’m Drunk, Here’s Why.

Some of us may remember a certain epic comment thread which started because of a certain post on a certain other blog. Then things changed course, and during the course of the comment thread, this post got mentioned, at which time Steve made up the following drinking game: Rules are simple. One function, one drink. …

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How Beautiful Your…Handlebars?

Not that any of you are going to want to do this, but just in case… If you’re planning on stealing a Christmas tree, under no circumstances should you: Be drunk at the time. Be riding a bicycle that you built a motor for but forgot to put lights on. Try to balance the tree …

>It’s Not Just Wood, It’s Sonic Wood

>Hey Joey Wallace. Find better ways to cheer up a girl than flashing Sonic employees, ok? And stay away from the booze when behind the wheel. Hey, maybe stay away from the booze altogether. If you weren’t drinking, maybe you wouldn’t have thought that was a great idea. Then again, you would have probably thought …

Take Car. Child Onboard

Wow, Donald Crawford, you’re a fine dad. You took your five-year-old son in your big ol’ semi to a strip club in an area known for its crime and left him out in the truck. You went inside and drank for 45 minutes, managing to get so drunk that you couldn’t find your truck, so …

Dork To Door

I have to tell a little story. I wonder if the guy in the story happens to be Anthony Korazco and since this story happened, he had since relocated to Brownsville, Texas. One night, Steve came down to meet a friend of ours outside the apartment building. While waiting for the cab, a guy came …

You’re Cut Off! Oh Yeah? Well, You’re Shit On!

Scott D. Leonard should take a lesson from Erik Salmons. Quit while you’re ahead. Leonard was having a grand old time at a bar, and then he got a little too tipsy and started throwing darts at other patrons. The bartender said there would be no booze for him, something he did not like to …

Neither Rain Nor Sleet Nor Snow Can Stop The Mail, But Alcohol And Noodles Can

Read the story of Kristine Pflughaupt and tell me you don’t have more words than “hahahahahahahahahahahahhaha! *snort*! Hahahahahahhahah!” Pflughaupt, a name that sounds like a noise one would make while hurling, was a mail carrier. I guess, before her route began, she got thirsty. So she drank…some booze. Then, on her route, she got hungry. …

And Don’t Forget, To Give Me Back My…2 Couch Cushions?

Whatever you do, don’t take dating or theft tips from the aptly named though slightly misspelledTerrance Patrick O’Toole,because he doesn’t seem to be good at either one. The most recent incident occurred Thursday at a mobile home in the 2000 block of Oak Road in Cedar Creek Township, police said. The female victim said she …

Did He Just Take Too Many Laxatives?

Even if you were drunk out of your mind, what would possess you to walk into a pharmacy, walk to the front of the store, take a dump on the floor, and then leave? And how sad that this drunken defecator has the name Robert E. Lee. This makes me wonder. Why would you give …