When We Say Service Dog, This Is Not What We’re Talking About

It’s nice that when Michelle Owen suspected that an ex-boyfriend had used her laptop to access child porn, she wanted to do the responsible thing and have the police search it. But for her sake, it would have also been nice if before she let them have at it, she had remembered to remove the …

Lawn And Order, Crazy Bastards Unit

Oh man. This story about Everett Keith keeps making me laugh. I could read it several times and I’d still laugh. How many times do you get the chance to see the words “saunter”, “mosey”, “wrythe” and “pilfer” in the same story? Our drunken fool walked, no no, sauntered, into a restaurant with a cigarette …

It’s Not Thrilling To Share The Road With Jo Trilling

Last week I saw Tammy Webb’s story and thought “How could she get away with 3 DUI’s in 6 days?” But at least in her case, they couldn’t figure out what she was under the influence of, and after the last one, they set her bail pretty high. So I thought at least there’s hope. …

Hit And Rum

Here comes today’s super-sized serving of stupid. It all started when Thomas McCarthy, 18, of 115 Weatherly Drive; Wayne Kenneth Renard Jr., 18, of 1011/2 Ocean Ave.; and Christopher Maxon, 18, of 5 Williams St., went down to the station to report that one of them was the victim of a hit-and-run accident, Salem police …

Drinkin’ Thinkin’ Leads To Clinkin’ Thinkin’

Hey Erik Salmons. Next time you get tossed into a cab and told to go home because you’re too drunk to drive, just shut up and take the cab. You’re not being charged with anything, you’re just being told to go home. When you get home, just go to bed. Don’t get in your daughter’s …

Goin’ On A Hunt Hunt!….Gonna Catch A Drunk One!

Ooo! A River! Can’t go around it….Gotta go through it! Ah crap, this isn’t my house… Seriously, this story has me asking so many questions. Paul Hunt was having a good time and managed to get kicked out of a bar. so he went to a house party and drank some more. Then I guess …

That’s Not A Barstool!

Ann Adams managed to find a video of the motorized barstool. thank you, Ann, you rock. As a very large aside, does anyone know who does this big comedy skit about Ikea and how you can never find your way out and if you took out a compass, you’d go nuts because there’s no north, …

Going Down!

You know, something tells me David Senior wasn’t able to ease that girl’s fear of heights when, while telling her that leaning over the hotel balcony was safe, he leaned over it and fell four storeys onto the roof of the hotel’s restaurant. Woops. I love the description of the guy falling. “I heard this …

More Impaired Judgments

Last year Iwroteabout a drunk driving related case that really made me angry. I won’t go into all of the details, you can click above if you want to refresh your memory. If you recall, in that post I questioned the competency of the judge who made the ruling, Justice Colin Westman. Well, it looks …