Up The Creek, Even With A Paddle

I’m sure most of you reading these words already know this, but for the benefit of everybody else, here’s a helpful tip from your friends at Vomit Comet World HQ. If your plan is to get drunk with some friends and then take a stolen canoe out for a joyride, it’s a good idea to …

Go Directly To Jail. Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $1

Angelique R. Vandeberg could find herself with a lot of time to sit in the corner and think about what she’s done. The 28-year-old woman is facing up to 3 years in prison for allegedlyshooting her 8-year-old daughter in the leg with a BB gun to win a $1 bet she had made with her …

Trouble In Paradise?

Ooo! this humdinger conclusion of a wedding night fits into a couple of categories. There’s of course the predictable category of humdinger wedding night conclusions, but also the groom is a dentist! This story has what the hell written all over it. Why did he Karate kick her? Why did she fight off people coming …

I’m Not Think You Who I Am

The following is a helpful tip from your friends at the Vomit Comet. If you’re going to go out drinking and need to use a fake ID, do your best to make sure that the guy you’re pretending to beisn’t wanted by the police for anything. Winona police were called to Brothers Bar, 129 W. …