Dear Blind People: You And Your Precious iPhone Accessibility Can Suck It. Love, Samsung

There’s a fine line between protecting your intellectual property and being the worst kind of evil, heartless corporate dickbag on the earth. The fine folks at Samsung have, it would appear, rolled on up to that line and decided fuck it, let’s keep truckin’! Samsung has suffered a setback in its effort to win an …

Watch Your Bills. Rogers Is At It Again

Rogers is up to its old tricks again. That’s right, they’re doing what they do best, raising rates like crazy. The last time they pulled this was back in July, and after I wrote that post we were hit with quite a bit of search traffic from people looking to see if it was just …

The Spying DVR: Because We Like It When Our TV Watches Us Back

No, this doesn’t sound creepy and over the line or anything. Nope, not in the slightest. Fierce Cable was first to report on a patent application filed by Verizon that indicates the company is interested in gleaning more information about its viewers for the purpose of delivering more targeted advertisements. So what might this spy-like …

Moving? If Hiring A Mover, Avoid Metropolitan Movers And Shuttle Moving North York

So yeah…about that Metro Movers mowdown we keep promising. Here it comes. Hope you like long stories…ah who am I kidding? You must like ’em, you keep coming back here, don’t ya? So you’re probably wondering why the heck we hired movers anyway. Well, for a combination of reasons. Most of the people we would …

Moving Related Thoughts: The Rogers Edition

So yeah…Bell…sheesh. Now I can get on with the rest of my thoughts. If that wasn’t enough to go wrong, we didn’t have a TV for about a week and a half (this will all make sense when we write about our dirt poor movers). So we couldn’t really feel like we were truly moved …

Moving-Related Goodness: Why Bell Sucks

So yeah. Hi there. Ya miss me? I’m still alive, although my brain feels like it’s been run over, squished and pounded into new and creative shapes. I’m starting to settle in…which feels good after the last little while we’ve had. Here are some things Steve and I have been thinking about to do with …

Greetings From KW

Well…we’re here. We’ve packed up Vomit Comet World HQ and moved it from Guelph to Kitchener. We’ve been here for about a week now, and to say things haven’t exactly gone smoothly would be quite the understatement. If you follow Carin and I on Twitter or have talked to us you might have a bit …

United Breaks Dog Life Expectancy

Oh United, you endless source of material you. The 140-pound Mastiff traveled from Miami to San Francisco via Houston in August. The owner had made the trip with his pet before with no problems, but on an 85 degree day in Houston, he was horrified to see that Bam Bam the dog was transported to …

Qantas Never Crashed, But They Did Leave A Guy On Hold For A Day

Somewhere in Australia, there lives a man with much more patience and determination than I. Where I get angry and hang up in frustration when somebody leaves me on hold for 20 or 30 minutes, this guy stuck it out on hold with Qantas for 15 hours, 40 minutes and 1 second! He was placed …

Sir, If We Let You Sit Here We Won’t Be Able To Call Ourselves Virgin Australia Anymore

I thought this quote from United in a story totally unrelated to the minor misadventure we covered yesterday was pretty hilarious, all things considered. On United Airlines “there is no specific seating policy,” airline spokesman Joe Micucci told CNN. “That said, United has an overlapping security approach designed to ensure the safety and security of …