The Meter Might Be Stopping, But It’s Not Quite Over

Well, we have a pretty sweet update to the whole stop the meter campaign. It looks like the CRTC has been quite heavily persuaded to review their whole usage-based billing decision in huge part thanks to the massive number of folks who yelled at MP’s and signed the Stop the Meter petition. Now they’re looking …

The Post Office’s Thoughtlessness Towards Accessibility Is Enough To Make One Go Postal!

I was hoping to have something funny between angry chomping posts, but nothing funny came to me. So let’s go, chomp chomp chomp. Back in December, I walked down to the post office. I was going to send Ro her Christmas present. That’s a pretty simple task. I walked in there, got it all boxed …

Meetup, Thumbs Down

Ug. I hate having to write angry posts, but I have to. Remember back in October when I said that Meetup’s interface had taken yet another accessibility crap? Well, they just took another one. On Thursday, they rolled out their interface that they consider to be just beautiful. That same day, I went to schedule …

Got My New Passport And Learned Some Things

Wow. I can’t believe I started looking into this whole passport process back in September. Well, I have good news and bad news on that front. The good news is I must have filled out the form correctly, because I have a shiny new passport. It arrived while I was home with the family. The …

Stop The Meter Update

A while ago, Steve posted about the Stop the Meter Petition. Well, I got the following email from them! It looks like things are maybe moving in the right direction! But of course, nothing moves without money, so they’re looking for donations. Here’s the info. Dear Friend, The fight to stop usage based Internet billing …

Bell: It’s A New Day, But We’re Still Gonna Rip You Off Like Always

I lose more and more respect for Bell Canada with each passing day. I used to get great service from the company, but in the past 3 years or so that service has gone downhill, plus the sales tactics of some of the telemarketers representing a few departments have gotten way more aggressive than should …

Stop The Meter

I always thought it was the job of the CRTC to encourage competition in the industries it oversees rather than to kill it dead, but based on the usage-based internet billing decision it shat out recently, I guess I was wrong. The Commission has ruled that not only can companies like Bell and Rogers bill …

The Keys To His Own Demise

Here’s why noone should deal with Cabral Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge. They would sell a truck to a guy with some pretty serious dementia. Yup, a guy in pyjamas and slippers who fell twice when they tried to pick him up from his care home where he had been staying. And they knew about his condition because his …

I Need Feul For Addressing A Problem

Since I don’t drive, I don’t even think about full serve versus self-serve gas stations, and how there are fewer and fewer full-service stations to be found. But it seems this is the case. This is no big deal for folks who have no trouble getting out of their car and pumping their own gas. …

Be Careful Of Alternative Flash Player Updater

Edit: It appears the programmer isn’t so bad. It is a problem between the layout of the dialog and screenreaders. See this post. Although I stand by what I said in a general sense, forcing software on folks is not what he’s all about. For once, I’m very happy to say I was wrong. Why …