Did Somebody Say McDouchebags?

Does McDonald’s really think people will confuse a charity concert with their burgers and fries? Or do they just like suing people who couldn’t possibly fight back? Judging from this article, which lists other people they have sude, including children and small businesses, I think the choice is B. Her name is Lauren McClusky. She …

British Airways: Dead Bodies Are Nicer Seat-Mates Than Live Men

So let me get this straight. According to British Airways, it’s ok to seat a corpse beside someone, but god forbid we put a child next to a male stranger! Mirko Fischer and his wife, who was six months pregnant, were flying. His wife sat in the window seat because she thought she’d have more …

It’s A Cruise To Remember Alright

This is so sick. Haiti is in the midst of dealing with a horrible earthquake. Masses of people are dead and the survivors are starving. Many more children are orphaned. But cruise ships are still docking nearby so people can have a barbecue and drink some cocktails. Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines has a private beach …

Two Deadly Words: "How Much?"

I’m still leaning towards getting the Nokia N86, and I talked to my brother, and he thought I was making a well-thought-out decision, so yea woo, he’s not mad or wondering what’s wrong with me or something. I seriously didn’t think he’d be that mad, I just thought he might be a tad perplexed about …

Facebook Meets Faceless Insurance Company

This is so depressing. On one hand, it took a lot for me to even look at this story, because I didn’t want to read about a company being such pricks. But that’s exactly why I needed to look at this, and post about it. Nathalie Blanchard was off on sick leave because she was …

Customer Depreciation Event

It’s that time of year again. That time of the year when Rogers rolls out their Rogers Customer Appreciation contest, it’s inaccessible, I get mad, and blog what happens when phone and email reps hear about it. Bla bla bla. So yesterday I get the email saying that Rogers would like to thank me for …

That Wasn’t My Chair After All

Way to ruin everybody’s fun, jackholes! I realize you technically have a point, but sometimes it’s better to shut up and take the free publicity rather than pull the typical business move and come off looking like a party pooping pack of dick whistles. At least this won’t prevent them from selling it, but it’s …

United Loses Luggage

There’s nothing I need to add here, this speaks for itself. United loses bags of broken-guitar singer After famously breaking his guitar, United Airlines has managed to cause further trouble for David Carroll by losing his luggage — just as the Canadian singer-songwriter was en route to deliver a speech about customer service. Departing from …