Please Remain Standing…In Your Seats

A small Chinese airline is considering offering standing seats so they can fit 40 percent more people on their planes. No, I’m not kidding. They’ll still be belted around the waist though, so they tell us we shouldn’t worry. Uh-huh. How long until airlines here try to follow their lead? I mean, they already overbook …

Ringing Some Alarm Bells. Get It? *Bells*?

Carin posted a couple of days ago aboutour latest go round with the fine folks at Bell Canada Repair.I left a comment under that post that I’ve decided to put here on the main page. Hopefully somebody from Bell will find it and be ashamed of what the company is becoming,but failing that, maybe it …

Messy Mutt Mitt Misery

Oh boy. Remember back in January when I was all proud of myself for finding mutt mitts? Well I should have never done it, and this will be the last package of mutt mitts I ever buy. The product is fine, it’s just the bullshit surrounding it. The bags work fine, although I can’t put …

Train Bound For Stupidity

This horible excuse for customer service should have happened on british Airways. Well, at least the British part is correct. Lena Ainscow, a 75-year-old woman, bought an £11.50 ticket to go visit her grandchildren. But because train personnel put her on an earlier train, a bonehead of a conductor told her her ticket was invalid …

Wacky Random November Thoughts

I had some random thoughts, so figured I should heave them up here in no particular order. Although you’d never know it from today’s weather, which I want to see stay as long as possible, that bastard old man known as winter is going to show up and I’m not looking forward to it. When …

We’ll Take Less Care Of You

Airline ignored wheelchair requests, ordered senior to walk, family alleges I’d expect nothing less from British Airways. After all, they’re the same group of compassionate souls that onceforced a guy to sit next to a corpse for the better part of 9 hours and then told him to get over it when he complained. I’d …

The DO Not Call Site Does Not Work For blind Folks

So the Canadian do not call registry is alive and well. It had a, um, rocky start, because so many people slammed it at once that, well, both website and phone crashed under the high demand. What does that tell ya, telemarketers? But that isn’t the reason for this post. The reason is the registry …