Updates About Stuff And Stuff

Well, it’s time for a post full of ramblings about the mundane details of my life. Anyone who wants a nap could probably get one now. Grandma’s service last weekend was really amazing. The service itself was pretty ordinary, but it was all the feeling around it that made it so incredible. We showed up …

Random post time

There are two random posts coming: one non-dog, and one dog. Isn’t that scary? I have enough drivel to categorize it. Hmmm. Maybe it’s not as random as I thought. Let’s start with the non-dog stuff. For some unknown reason, I was thinking about that Raffi song “Oats and beans and Barley” (sorry, the song …

Next Up, The Shocking Revelation That Drowning Puppies For Fun Is Looked Down Upon

People sometimes ask me “Steve, why are you so hard on the world?” And I say to those people “listen, if you can look at something such asthisas a cutting edge breakthrough for the medical profession then go right ahead, but I prefer to look at it as the utter pile of ignorant bullshit that …

Rogers Installation Software: You Control Your Internet, But We Control Your Computer

Excuse me while I geek out for a second. I had a friend who was having a weird problem. Every time she opened her Outlook Express, she would see a 404 page not found error. It said that the page /help/content/oeip.html could not be found from www.rogershelp.com. I thought this was pretty weird, and couldn’t …

Why I Don’t Donate Money To Most Charities And Neither Should You

When you cut that nice, fat check to your charity of choice, do you know where the money goes? If your answer is no, well, all I can say to you isprepare to make a mess in your pants. In a lot of cases, far less than even half of every dollar you donate goes …

I’m Starting To Really Hate Tim Hortons

From the company that brought youlet’s try to run a charity cafe out of businessand le’ts fire a nice lady because she had the nerve to give an infant a free Timbit comes another blockbuster. Introducinglet’s not allow pregnant homeless people to eat in our stores and follow Good Samaritans around after they’ve left so …