And It Gets Better

Either the story I linked to in my previous post about this wasn’t clear enough or I just flat out missed it, but apparently the anti-commercial skipping technology that Philips has developed would not only prevent you from fast forwarding the ads during programs you have recorded, but also keep you from channel surfing during …

How To Lose Friends And Influence People…To Want To Kick Your Ass

Philips creates anti-ad skipperI don’t have a TiVo or anything, but I still hate this idea. Hate hate hate it! It’s kind of like telling me that I can’t use my VCR (remember those?) to fast forward something. And I love the way they try to justify its creation by saying “don’t worry, we’re not …

What? A Functioning Computer?

Hey everyone. Excuse me in this post while I mildly geek out. God what a crazy week. I eventually bit the bullet and had this cacking, dying, struggling, upchucking computer taken into the shop. It left on Tuesday, and just came back yesterday, and it works better than it ever has, and the sound doesn’t …

Yahoo Instant Computer Polluter

According tothis story,Yahoo has decided that they know better than you do what software you want to install and run on your computer and what you want your default home and search pages to be. The latest version of Yahoo Instant Messenger, which comes as a “highly recommended” upgrade, comes bundled with something like 5 …

With Telus, the Future is Communism.

This kind of shit shouldn’t be happening in Canada. My friend is moving to B.C. and she told me something really disturbing. I guess out there, Telus is the only major internet company there is, so they pretty much have you by the balls when it comes to internet. Apparently, they are blocking access to …

Well Whooda Thunk It?

Today I was running around doing errands, and since I’m hoping to graduate this year, I decided to tie up loose ends. I received a nice snippy email from the university that said, “well we’re acknowledging that we received your application to graduate, but don’t expect to be let out if you have any library …