I’d Like To Bump Somebody. In The Head. Repeatedly. With A Shovel

I haven’t been on a plane in something like 25 years, but this shit still infuriates me. Air Canada employee says staff trained to ‘dupe’ passengers at risk of being bumped from oversold flights Seriously, legalized robbery is what that is. Whatever bribes the airlines pay to the world’s governments to get this scam rammed …

Nope, Still Not Signing UP For That Facebook Account

Generally speaking, 2018 was a pretty decent year for me. But you know who can’t say the same? Facebook. THE 21 (AND COUNTING) BIGGEST FACEBOOK SCANDALS OF 2018 “Of 2018.” Not of all time I again remind you, “of 2018. Jesus Murphy on a stack of lawsuits, that’s no good at all. December 2018: Another …

Bell’s Everything Tracking Is Back And Very Slightly Less Creepy

It appears Bell is taking another crack at the tracking every customer’s every move thing that went so well a few years ago. And though the end result still sounds like a whole lot of garbage from a consumer point of view (there’s still nothing in it for customers aside from ads the company thinks …

Come See The Bankrupt Side Of Sears

If Sears Canada were a person I think that person would be a pedophile, because it sure seems to enjoy screwing little people. First it was the frontline workers who couldn’t have the pensions they spent years earning because the best and the brightest had to be properly compensated for pulling the handle and directing …

They’re Making A List, Checking It Twice, If You’re Not On It Then Go Fly A Kite

It’s strange enough that the santa at our mall hasn’t made a sound in years, but things have somehow gotten even weirder. At that same mall, for at least the last couple of years, they have been encouraging people to make their Santa Claus visits by appointment. Start Date: Sat Nov 17, 2018 End Date: …

Famous People Are Not Retiring Left And Right So They Can Go Into The Discount Face Glop Business

This is either going to help or it’s going to inadvertently make things even worse because they’re still served partly based on page content, but since I’ve caught these ads running on our site among others many, many times I figure I should mention it. No, Marilyn Denis has not retired so she can spend …

Global News Is Doing Bad Things That Might Make Everything Else Worse

Global Television used to produce a pretty good newscast. I spent many a night listening to the Toronto one over the radio as a kid and even into my adulthood (Hey Carin, imminent death!) until that frequency went silent several years ago. When I say used to, it’s not because Global no longer produces newscasts. …

When Fun Went Wrong

Gill is back to wish us all a happy amusement park season. If you’re heading out to enjoy some fun over the next few months, hopefully you don’t wind up suffering the same fate as any of these poor folks. We need readers. We also care about your safety. Yes, we most definitely care about …

If You Want A Survey That’s CRAP, Call On CROP

Quite often I find myself getting offended by the things that offend other people, but I think I’m with Lacey Willmott in wondering just why Aeroplan, the travel and shopping rewards people, would be sending out a survey asking folks to choose their level of agreement with statements such as “Overall, there is too much …