Somehow I Don’t Think Joe Public Would Agree

Jason Moorehead and Paul Gardner III have an interesting idea of what counts as indecent exposure. They think it’s perfectly fine to touch each other’s stuff in public, just as long as nobody gets an erection. Eeewww. Just imagine walking up to that public display of yuck? Just imagine trying to explain that to your …

I’ve Had Some Comfy Chairs, But None I’d Want To Stay In For Two Years

Thanks Ann for this one. Eek. We have another person who sat in a chair so long he got stuck to it. Just like this woman who was stuck to her john, this morbidly obese guy sat in a chair for two years! He didn’t get up to use the john! There he was, sitting …

I’d Say He’s Up Shit Creek Now, But He’s Probably Already Been There And Liked It

Remember David Truscott? He’s the fellow with a thing forgetting himself off on a family’s farm because there’s mud and manure there. Well,he’s at it again,and yes, same farm. Even better, now he’s met the kids. David Truscott, 41, of Pengegon Parc, Camborne, was discovered on Saturday by the youngster at Woodbury House Farm, Redruth. …

He Is Incapable Of Being An Asshole

Yikes! I knew you could be born with lots of abnormalities and organs that didn’t work the way they should. But I never imagined that you could be born without an anus. Um, eek. But this condition has a name, congenital anal atresia. Let’s google that, because I need more proof that this is possible. …

Tonight The Bottle Let Me Down

Michael Kevin Lallana, the man accused last year oftwice brewing up batches of man mustard flavoured water in the bottle of a female coworker,has been found guilty of assault and battery. A couple of interesting new tidbits have, er, come to light since we first met this fellow, so I shall share those with you …

He Was Shit-Faced, Now The Officer Is Too.

Ug! Blech! Yuck eeewww icky. Ok I think I can tell the story now. Paul Andrew Kausalik, a well-known figure at the post office so they say, was out for some fun one night. I guess he had a little too much fun for him to be able to drive, and police pulled him over. …

They Got It All Wrong With This Song About Schlongs…

Ya know, I would have had no problem with the lyrics in this video talking about contraception, which was put out by Midnight Beast in combination with Marie Stopes international, except for two lines.“One up the bum, and it’s no harm done.One up the bum, and you won’t be a mum.” But ya still could …

Mmm…Dead People

It looks like there’s a bit of an update to the story of the cremated remains-snorters. Not only did they snort the ashes, they ate some of them thinking they were crushed pills. Hmmm. I wonder if any of these geniuses nibbled on mysterious blue cubes as children. An additional weird detail is police divers …