Nobody Knows The Perverts I’ve Seen

05 Apr, Wed, 14:03:01Yahoo:free dicksucking 05 Apr, Wed, 19:32:07Yahoo:naked male wrestlers 06 Apr, Thu, 10:00:19Yahoo:stories of girls busting boys testicle 06 Apr, Thu, 11:24:03Yahoo:free pictures of naked male wrestlers 06 Apr, Thu, 12:35:53Yahoo:randy orton penis 06 Apr, Thu, 13:07:48Yahoo:randy orton penis pictures 06 Apr, Thu, 20:29:59MSN Search:vomit 07 Apr, Fri, 15:45:48Yahoo:Where can I find pictures …

The Year In Weird News

This showed up in the email today. I know none of these are fakes, I remember seeingmost of them while doing radio research and such. NEW YORK –The Easter Bunny was hopping mad but kept his cool after being socked by a boy, a Wal-Mart greeter was sacked for showing a lot more than customers …

It’s Bud The Spud From The …Big Deep Freeze?

Brad sent me this and it cracks me up. And I can vouch for how great those potatoes are, they’re…something. Maybe not something you would want to ingest, but they are indeed something. Take it away, Brad! You know how there are some vegetables, like beans, that you can boil for a couple minutes and …

Thought Stew cooked up in the Mind of an Insomniac

Well, here I sit. It’s 6:00 a.m. and I’ve been up since 2. Yea great joys. So I thought I’d babble about some things that have been on my mind. Sorry for not being around lately, life has been keeping me very busy. Not uninspired, just tired. First of all, not being able to sleep …

I Have No Idea What To Call This Post

Happy Monday to everybody. I hope you’re all having a good day, and I hope you’re keeping cool if it’s hot where you are. It’s hot here, that I know for sure. Canadian weather is just fucking weird, there’s no other way to describe it. A few days ago we were treated to some beautiful …