This Site Lives Up To It’s Name

A bartender is shutting up for the night when there is a knock atthe door. He answers the door and there’s a bum asking him for a toothpick.The barkeep gives him one and shuts the door. After a few moments, there’s another knock at the door. Thebartender opens it again to find yet another bum. …

Why Some Of You Are Here

It’s been a little while since I’ve done this and a few of these have just recently caught my eye so here we go with another exciting episode of Stuff People Searched For. For anybody who is new to the site who might not know how this works, it’s pretty simple. Our hit counter can …

Most Disgusting Joke Contest

If you haven’t already seen it, scroll down the page a couple of posts and read the post called Consider Yourself Warned so you’ll know what this is all about. Somebody calling him or herself Mmm Mmm Good, This is downrigh, [which is one of the strangest names I’ve ever heard,] submitted this one. It’s …

If You’re Eating Right Now, Stop!

I found this story the other day while I was doing research for the radio show but I just never got around to throwing it up here. Speaking of throwing things up, like the title says, stop eating before you read any further. I’m serious about this. This story, as far as I can tell, …

More Commercials

Writing about the shoe store ad earlier today and then reading the comment that was posted underneath it got me thinking about a couple other commercials that have kind of always bugged me. Let’s go down memory lane a little bit here since these are both a few years old and I don’t think either …