Long Weekend Audio: I Like Traffic Lights…

Thank Monty Python for the title. Well! Aren’t we the audio crankin’ machines? We decided this one would have a different twist on it. We decided to take you, the loyal vomiteers, on a walk with us. We’d never done this before…and it kinda showed in the audio quality. Most of it is pretty listenable, …

The Answer May Be Blowing In The Wind, But It’s Not A Pen

An exchange happened a while ago between myself and a tech support chicky for Samsung that I still snicker about when I think about it. I mentioned my friend and his phone saga in another long and winding post. Anyway, as part of his phone saga, we were trying to make it so it made …

What Should You Do?

This video that came from a show called “What Would You Do?” has been floating around in my head for a while. Basically the show thinks of situations that make people feel all kinds of uncomfortable, then gets actors to play them out and watches what passing Joe Blows do about what’s happening. The subject …

Observations, Updates, And Other Goofiness

Here comes another giant pile of thoughts. The other day, the oldies radio station was on and The Poppy Family That’s Where I Went Wrong came on. And, unbidden, my only thought that came out loud and clear was “oh that poor bus stranger!” At that point I just started laughing. I didn’t feel one …

Life, #Twittereen, #Movember, And Other Things

Hi there. It’s me, ya know, the absentee blogger. I haven’t really had much to say in the last little while. Not on email, not on Twitter, not on the blog, not anywhere. But that’s ok. I’m surviving, that’s what matters. I’m surviving, and attempting to expand this very little brain. By consequence, when I …

Updates, Random Thoughts, And Assorted Stuff

I guess I should probably update folks, since last Saturday I was all full of “help me! Help me!” I have myself a steady ride! Yeah baby! It’s hard to explain how stressful it is wondering if you’ll have rides to work, or wondering which days you should say you’re available based on who says …

Long Weekend Audio: Making Laytons

We said we weren’t done with audio. Here comes some more. A little while ago, I mentioned that Jack Layton had died. So, later, I learned that someone had created a drink in his honour. So, Steve made one of these, and we talked about it. Believe it or not we talked about it for …

Oh No! Sighties Are Trying To Go Stealth!

I remember back a while ago, we had a commenter named Joe Clark who would get all mad if we made a gay joke. “Oh, but if they made a blind joke, you wouldn’t be laughing, now would you?” I will answer him by linking to this. And I’m laughing. I’m laughing, and hoping that …

The Manual Gets Some Editions From People Other Than Us

I just realized that I haven’t updated the blind guy user’s manual in a bit. I don’t have any new blind guy stories, but boy do some others. Wes Derby wrote about this woman who just had to grab and drag him onto his bus. This woman has been told multiple times that her brand …