Sorry this is going up so late, and sorry for the general neglect of this place over the last little while. Laziness, busyness, illness, hung overness and going out and having funness haven’t made for the best of reading lately. Hopefully things can start getting back to normal soon, but to hold you over until …
Category Archives: blind guy user’s manual
Got My New Passport And Learned Some Things
Wow. I can’t believe I started looking into this whole passport process back in September. Well, I have good news and bad news on that front. The good news is I must have filled out the form correctly, because I have a shiny new passport. It arrived while I was home with the family. The …
Continue reading “Got My New Passport And Learned Some Things”
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Posts
I’m sitting here and I can hardly believe it’s exactly two weeks before Christmas. How in hell did I get here and how did it happen so fast? I agree with Steve that it doesn’t seem possible that it’s already Christmas again. In fact, when I try and think of things I’ve gotten people, I …
Continue reading “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas Posts”
Holy Expensive Bible!
Here’s one for all the people who have tried to heal me. Many times, during conversations where super-religious folk tell me I can be saved, or invite me to some kind of healing service, they ask me if a braille bible exists. Well, I’m here to say the answer is yes…if you can afford it. …
Thanksgiving, and Other Rambles
I just felt like rambling, and since the blog may get a little quiet over the next couple of days because Steve and I are both running off to Thanksgiving stuff, what better time for a ramble fest. First, happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian readers. Hope you have lots of yummy food and pleasant …
>Talk About Your Back-Handed Compliment!
>I’ve been told in the past that I’m so young and pretty, what a waste that I’m blind, but I heard a close second tonight. I went out to this weird sing-along thingy that was happening at a restaurant in Guelph. I thought, as I was going, how is this going to work? We’re at …
A Little Guide Dog Ettiquet Article
Michelle sent me this little “don’t pet the guide dog you moron!” article. Good on the paper for publishing it. It’s sad that the general public needs such reminders, but they’re always welcome. This little article made me think of two things that happened to me recently. I was sitting on the bus and this …
The Teddy Bear Picnic Was A Blast
Back last Friday, I mentioned the Teddy Bear Picnic. Well, yesterday, it happened, and it was a lot of fun. We had lots of fun. We had bears wearing little glasses, bears with little white canes, lots of stuff. We had a model of a communication board for kids who have trouble speaking, we had …
That’s How It’s Done!
A little note to the nice lady who helped me across the parking lot at Speedvale Plaza last night: You’re awesome. You couldn’t have helped me any better. In fact, you need to train everybody who I’ve complained about. First, you asked me if I needed help. Then you asked me where I was going, …
Trixie Gets A Novel
I don’t think Trix has gotten a post all to herself in a while. I think she’s due. I always knew that she responded to different people in different ways, but I’ve noticed something else. Among the people she loves, even they get different kinds of affection. There’s me. I get the dancing around me, …