‘Wardrobe malfunction’ fine dismissed for CBS The three-judge panel of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Federal Communications Commission “acted arbitrarily and capriciously” in issuing the fine for the fleeting image of nudity. The court found that the FCC deviated from its nearly 30-year practice of fining indecent broadcast programming only …
Category Archives: broadcasting
Bruce Buffer Is For Shit And Other MMA Thoughts
Informal survey time. Has there ever been a ring announcer worse than Bruce Buffer? If there has I certainly haven’t seen him, because that guy sucks in spectacular fashion. He seriously infuriates me. His wacky mumble voice drives me nuts, and his constant habit of putting the emphasis on the wrong syllables makes me want …
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Bill O’Reilly Is Angry
If you want to see the full version of the Bill O’Reilly freakout video that was shown inmy last post,here ya go. I should have posted this the other day, but for some reason (probably laziness) I didn’t get around to it.
Serving Our Community, One Voice Track At A Time
All the snow we’ve been getting and our building’s power transformer blowing up the other night got me thinking again about how much commercial radio sucks these days. That might sound strange, but hear me out. When something disruptive happens, something like…let’s say a snow storm or a power outage, what’s one of the first …
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The Wheels Of Consumerism Go Round And Round
The folks at bus radio must really think people are stupid. They market their station as a way to play nice music on the bus ride to school, play some public service announcements, and have little lessons on how to pass some standardized tests. But who do they think they’re kidding? All they’re doing is …
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If You’re Reading This, My Net’s Up!
There were a few things floating around in my head, and I thought maybe I should write them down before a monster starts to develop, so off we go. I finally figured out what that singing alphabet commercial was all about. It wasn’t an attempt at improving literacy. Why would I think such a thing? …
Not Everything that Looks Stupid is Totally Stupid
A week or so ago, a friend of mine sent me these two complaint letters from a group of blind people who call themselves the Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians. One was complaining about the commercials that the CNIB put out that say “not everyone who looks blind is totally blind. 90% of the …
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Thought Avalanche!
This monster of a post has been building for a while, and there’s so many different things I want to say that I’m afraid it might get away from me. So try and stay ahead of the thought avalanch if you can! Now that I’ve said that, whatever I could produce will look like nothing …
I’m not sure how many of you remember those weatherman videos I put up a couple of years ago, but whether you do or you don’t, here’s another one for you. This guy freaks out for nearly a full minute on live TV because a roach frightens him, while I double over for nearly a …
You Did What?!
Here’s something that I’m sure will shock the hell out of pretty much anybody who knows anything about me, and maybe even disappoint a few people, likely the ones with poor taste in entertainment. After doing quite a bit of thinking, I’ve decided to give up my radio show. I hadn’t been completely happy with …