I Must Be Somewhere Else. Someone Just Suggested Less, More Sensible Regulation. In Canada

Canada’s Competition Bureau has taken a break from aproving mega mergers with horrible idea written all over them that allow companies like Bell Media to fire everyone in sight even though they’re raking in hundreds of millions of dollars to toss out some entirely sensible suggestions on how municipalities and provinces should best handle ride …

Could It Be? Could I Be Getting My Blind Guy Cable Box?

I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself, but this nugget I found buried near the bottom of a release from the CRTC sounds pretty promising. Lord knows I’ve been surprised before, but there don’t seem to be many ways to twist this into meaning anything other than what it sounds like it …

The CRTC Has Approved WWE Network For Canada. You Can Start Bothering Your Service Providers Now

That huge sigh of relief you just heard was me. And the one you heard right before that was Rogers. The reason? The CRTC has granted official approval for the WWE Network to operate in Canada, which is obviously good news. I’m not sure whether or not I should be surprised that this happened since …

This Jian Ghomeshi Thing Has Been Bothering Me A Lot, And I Think I Know Why.

When this whole Jian Ghomeshi thing broke, I said to a friend, no matter how this shakes out, it’s not gonna end well for somebody.” Um, that would be a yup. Now I find that it won’t leave me alone, and it’s moved beyond anything rational, so I hope that maybe, if I write about …

Happy Birthday, Time Signal

I didn’t know this, but today will mark 75 years of the National Research Council’s official time signal airing on CBC Radio. For the uninitiated, that would be the series of beeps you hear every day at 1 in the afternoon right before the news starts. CBC has published an article to celebrate it, and …

This Might Get Jian Gho-Messy…

Um, what a day yesterday. I’m scrolling through tweets…and…huh? Jian Ghomeshi? Fired? Huh? Suing the CBC? Huh? Where in the world did that come from? He was just taking some time off for personal reasons. And then Jian Ghomeshi put up his own statement saying why he thinks it happened, and…then things got interesting for …

More Pay Is Good, But The Broadcast Industry Will Figure Out How To Make It Mean Less Money

Well. This sure is depressing. The voice of an impoverished person can be heard at any time in most small cities and towns across Canada simply by turning on the radio. But it’s not the people interviewed on talk shows or in news sound bites who could use some extra cash. Retired broadcast radio instructor …

Hands Off The Network And Nobody Gets Hurt

Who knows how much of a thing this will actually become given the tendency of the CRTC to basically let big media do whatever the hell it wants, but I feel like I should probably say my piece just in case. WWE Network Fighting to Stay on TV in Canada – According to the Wrestling …