There was this funny video that we couldn’t stop watching when we had Christmas with Steve’s family. It was only a short, but we couldn’t stop laughing. I think what made it even funnier was how hard Seppa laughed at it. First, he was just laughing because we were laughing…which made us laugh harder. Then …
Category Archives: christmas
Stumbling Into 2025
I don’t think I’m quite as sad-sounding as that AI-generated guy is, but it still has a note of truth to it, and it made me giggle, so it’s the soundtrack for this post. Also, side note: Did anybody else hear that Auld Lang Syne song as a kid and think “What? Old Anxiety?” And …
Have A Holly Jolly What Now?
This “There I Ruined It” guy really has a very twisted mind. Only he could Take “Get Low” and set it to “Holly Jolly Christmas” and not only have it work, but get it stuck in my head so that when I’m doing Christmas things, I get the “Holly Jolly Christmas” tune in my head, …
These Aren’t The Birds From The 12 Days Of Christmas, And You’re Not My True Love
And now, I present you with your new favourite Christmas song, at least if you’re from the sane half of America and are stuck being Santa to people who aren’t. Fuuuuuuuck yoooooouuuuuu!
Is Everything Moving On High Speed?
I think we have a new phenomenon called New Year’s Creep. It’s not just Christmas. Now people want to speed right on to the next thing. I was walking through the mall the other day, and I heard Auld Lang Syne playing! This was in November. All I could think was way to make me …
So You Pretend Like The Snowman Is A Nonexistent Minister?
Speaking of weird Christmas songs, the hell’s up with “Winter Wonderland”?
I Don’t Know If They’re Terrified, But They Will Play With Him!
How in the world had it never occurred to me just how weird the story of Frosty The Snowman is? It’s definitely ruined now, though.
I’ve been seeing Christmas themed ads on TV since October and CHYM FM flipped to all Christmas music this week. If we can’t wait until December like we’re supposed to, can we at least wait until after Remembrance Day to start forcing the spirit of the season on everyone? Kelvin Lewis takes center stage as …
Merry Christmas, Everyone! Not You, Poor Kids! Shoo Shoo Shoo!
It could be that I’m way out to lunch on this one because it’s been years since I’ve taken anyone to see Santa at a mall and even longer since I was the one visiting him, but when did those visits stop being free and start costing 15 goddamn dollars? And just look what you …
Continue reading “Merry Christmas, Everyone! Not You, Poor Kids! Shoo Shoo Shoo!”
This Should Be Funny, But I’m Crying
Because it’s still New Year’s Day, I thought I’d make fun of myself because there are certain Christmas comedy bits that no matter how many times I hear them, they still make me cry. Not laugh until I cry, just straight up cry. Here they are, in no particular order. First, there’s what would happen …