Christmas Parties, I Quit Drinking, And Possibly Some Other Crap

Well hi, how’s it going? I’m doing pretty well, thanks for asking. My holiday has been fairly busy just like I thought but tonight ended up being a lot less eventful than I thought it was going to be so here I am. I’m pretty much making the family rounds all week, seeing everybody that …

The Holidays Start Today!

This morning when I got up and came to check the site, I thought I’d accidentally gone to the wrong place by mistake. Something was horribly wrong I thought to myself as I scanned the page trying to figure out what seemed different. Did somebody get hold of our passwords and put something there? Did …

Content? What Content?

Well we haven’t exactly been setting the place on fire these days around here now have we? Well, I’m not here to change that, I’m just here to offer a few Saturday night thoughts. Not exactly thoughts about Saturday night, just thoughts that I’m writing down on Saturday night. Wow, this isn’t starting off very …

They’re Comin’ Fast Now

Well everybody’s favourite evil do-er, Satan, has chimed in with some more rejected Christmas Carols for us all to enjoy. “Christmas Carols For The Psychiatrically Challenged (981C2303 DOC) SCHIZOPHRENIA Do You Hear What I Hear? MULTIPLE PERSONALITY We Three Queens Disoriented Are DEMENTIA I Think I’ll Be Home For Christmas NARCISSISTIC Hark The Herald Angels …

Thursday’s Blogging BONANZA!!!

Hello everyone and welcome to YOUR Thursday. We got a few things to hit on, so let’s get right at it. There hasn’t been much put in the last few days so thanks for stickin’ with us. But it’s not like there’s any shortage of things to check out over on the links list. To …

Some More Rejected Christmas Carols. (WITH BAD LYRICS AND EVERYTHING!)

Well, one of our more intellectually gifted Vomiteers has written in with 2 new Rejected Christmas carols and he has even taken the time to write out the lyrics too. Much thank you…. Well we’ll call you Lunchbox’s friend. Here they are…. “anyway, the point of this email is to deliver you two famous christmas …

Don’t Feel Rejected You Reject

Well, right now I’m in the middle of work, a column due today for Salty Ham Sports and the first chapter of a story that I’ve decided to write so you loyal visitors have been rejected today. Well. I’ll put an end to that. And it’s not like there’s been any shortage of stuff to …