Because it’s Christmas, Steve and I were trying to get each other Christmas presents and not tell each other what we got, of course. But because we have mind beams, we kind of both did the same thing. And the result is we have many many treats. Oops. Remember those yummy treats I bought us? …
Category Archives: christmas
Relax, Dude. You’re Not Going Anywhere
I need to settle down, but I can’t. Even though I know exactly when and where everything is happening this Christmas, I can’t shake the feeling that I need to do a million things and do them quick. Are all the presents organized? When should I pack? How many changes of clothes will I need? …
Some Local Deliciousness
I can’t believe I’m about to post a picture of food. But I think this is a special occasion! Like I said in my post about getting Christmas gifts, I was doing my best to seek out local businesses that I would happen to hear about. I even went and looked up local businesses I’d …
Santa Claus Can Come Through Your Town
I had a good laugh when I saw this news story about Santa being deemed an essential worker. How very smart of everyone. I think if we were kids in the pandemic, we would have been all worried that Santa couldn’t come during the lockdown. Heck, if we were going to go to Grandma’s on …
Delivering A Christmas Post, Because I’m Not UPS
As I sit here the day after Steve’s birthday, I feel a bit bewildered. How did we get here? The year went fast, but it feels especially fast since this year had no great big fun events since March. Wow, I totally suck and never commented on Steve turning 40 last year. I guess to …
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🎶Talk Lots On Zoom This Wintertime…🎶
Since the sensible among us are doing our Christmas virtually, and lots of people love Zoom, they’re being cool and lifting the time restrictions on free accounts for certain days during the holidays. Here’s exactly when Zoom will be removing the 40-minute limit: 10AM ET Thursday, December 17th, to 6AM ET Saturday, December 19th, for …
I’ll Stay Home For Christmas
This morning I gathered up a big load of Christmas presents, put on my coat and mask and headed downstairs. My mom was waiting for me. We said hello, and then I proceeded to pile my bunch of gifts into her car. When that was done, I stood back as she unloaded several bags of …
Honika Electronika
This song has been around for years. I would have never known. It’s certainly perfect for this year, since we’re not supposed to be seeing our whole families this holiday. The phonetic spelling of Hanukkah in the title made me want to find out why it’s sometimes spelled Chanukah and sometimes Hanukkah. Apparently there are …
Why Can’t You Gift Patreon Time To A Friend?
2024 update: You can finally do this! Seriously, it’s like the most bleeding obvious thing. But here I am, thinking about what I might want to give and receive for Christmas this year, and the ability to subscribe someone else to something they would want through only like the biggest subscription platform in the world …
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I’ll Be Home For Christmas? Not Even In My Dreams?
We’re 7 months into this pandemic and it’s still influencing my dreams. Here are the latest ones I’ve had that involve our new normal. Apparently I’m sure that I’m going to forget something very important. I had one dream where I absentmindedly walked into a store without having a mask on and was immediately mobbed …
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