Silly Nephew, Didn’t You Know, I’m Bluffing My Way Through The Gruffalo?

The other day I went on a tiny shopping spree…for kids’ books. Yup, I bought a few books to have around in case we end up babysitting wee ones. I have learned recently that I can memorize kids’ stories if I hear them read often enough, and sometimes it only takes a few repetitions to …

What Matters Most, What Makes Us Whole, Is Knowing Who Is Annoying The Hell Out Of Us This Christmas

This friggin commercial drove me batty this Christmas season. and not for the reason you’re probably thinking, that it ran six jillion times an hour, especially on certain channels. No, it’s for these three reasons. First, I had no idea what it was for. This happens more times these days than I’d like. I’d …

I Found A Store In A Mall That Gets Christmas Music Right. No, I Can’t Believe It Either

I need to give a shoutout to the Bootlegger in Kitchener’s Fairview Mall, one of the few stores seemingly in the world that has figured out how to handle its Christmas music. I was in there doing some Christmas shopping this week and I couldn’t help but notice their music mix. I don’t know who …

Greetings From A Restaurant

Greetings from the Jack Astors in which I am day drinking on this unexpectedly beautiful Tuesday afternoon. Seriously, what a great day this is. It’s sunny and pleasant at the end of November just days after a dumping of snow. Hooray for climate change… Or something. I forgot how much I liked the chicken fingers …

Six Months Of Shmans

Tansy has been very much neglected up here, but I have once again amassed quite the list of updates, observations and acknowledgements of time. Back in October, Tansy got out her barf bingo dabber and checked off that month. I think the little rip stole some dropped food at a social event at work, but …

The 179 Days Of Christmas

If you’re in need of some festive holiday music to listen to as you gather with family and friends today, how about this nine hour version of the 12 Days of Christmas? To be clear, I do not suggest that any of you actually listen to this. It’s terrible. I made it to day 14 …

Recipe For A Fabulous Holiday

Gill is back to share her recipe for a happy holiday season. Hers involves a lot less liquor than mine does, but it’ll work. Hi friends. It’s that time again, and one of the big things around this time is time honored recipes. They might be generations old, like your 5 times oma’s recipe for …

Santa Claus Is Hitting The Ground

I remember watching Santa Claus skydive into a pole and tree last year and thinking to myself gees, some of those kids might need a little therapy. But while I’m sure that was probably rather traumatic, I’m also fairly certain that it has nothing on this incident from 1996. Santa Claus was ready to fly …

Twas The Night Before Christmas, House Of Commons Style

I pay decent attention to the goings on in Parliament, yet somehow I had never seen Liberal MP Rodger Cuzner read his annual Christmas poem. But now I have, and it’s awesome. With so much division in the world, sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that things don’t suck all the time and that now …