I’m just sitting here, and I have way too much energy. Like super energy. I feel like I just drank a whole bunch of coffee, make that espresso, and I have so much energy that I don’t know what to do with it. And that’s not good when you’re working at a distress line, so …
Category Archives: commercials
Thought Stew cooked up in the Mind of an Insomniac
Well, here I sit. It’s 6:00 a.m. and I’ve been up since 2. Yea great joys. So I thought I’d babble about some things that have been on my mind. Sorry for not being around lately, life has been keeping me very busy. Not uninspired, just tired. First of all, not being able to sleep …
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Duh I Don’t See Any Problem with This, Sparky, Do You?
I’ve had the TV on way too much, because I heard something else that made me shake my head. A commercial came on for this place called Canada Reconnect. It gives prepaid phone service to people who, for one reason or another, have had their phone disconnected. Keep in mind that most of these people …
Continue reading “Duh I Don’t See Any Problem with This, Sparky, Do You?”
In My Day…
What is happening to me? Am I aging too fast? I feel like a grandmother because of what I’m about to say, but I’m going to say it anyway. Holy crap how lazy are we getting? I see commercials for egg yolks already pre-cracked and in a carton. Eeewww. how hard is it to go …
Oh the Irony!
I got to thinking about a few things that struck me as ironic. I was watching TV and some commercial came on for a medication designed to treat overactive bladder. I guess some people are always having to pee. Anyway, after having its praises sung, especially the fact that you didn’t have to get up …
Double Meanings
I guess all my talk of dogs made our google ads change to dog-related stuff, and lump-removal stuff. But one dog ad made me do a double take. I guess it was effective advertising, because it was sure tempting to click on it. The ad read something like:Your dog need help upstairs? Get harness available …
Me Talk Good, For Serious
First off I want to apologize for my lack of posts over the last few weeks. I can’t promise that things are going to get much better over the next little while because of Summer and circumstances, but come on, at least I’m being honest with you and making an attempt to appear as though …
And the Survey Says…
I happened to have the space channel on for a while, and I noticed a disturbing trend. I saw comercials in the same order. One for new skin bandages, one for Compound W, and one for sleep medications. Also in heavier concentrations than I’ve ever seen before were commercials for fast food, skittles, and computers. …
What’s Up with That?
I’ve noticed lately when I hear commercials for dog and cat food, they talk about the taste. How it tastes better than ever, how it’s the best food ever taste-wise. My question is, how do they know? It’s not like you can ask fido or spot which food he likes better and get a definitive …
I’m Frightened
I had the TV on, and on came an ad for something called Fruit2O. It was apparently fruit-flavoured water that doesn’t have any juice and is 0 calories. They call it fresh-picked water. So what exactly is that? It says doing something good for yourself never tasted so good. But what exactly are you putting …