I saw this on Twitter, and after I finished smacking my fist, laughing, and making noises as if someone just strangled me, I felt it had to get posted up here. 6 Reasons the Guy Who’s Fixing Your Computer Hates You Why did it make me do all of these things? Because it’s, so, true. …
Category Archives: computers are great when they work
Everything’s Gone, Gotta Carry On
You know how I said on Thursday that my computer was in the hospital? Well, according to the guy at the store, my hard drive is dead. Nothing is retrievable. Nothing can detect it. It makes grinding noises. He says it’s a paperweight. Crycrycrycrycry, gasp, crycrycrycrycry. As the full weight of this set in, I …
No mountable Boot volume: That Can’t Be Good
Well here I am writing this from my phone. Why am I doing this? Because apparently yesterday my motherboard thought it was a good day to die. Not only did it cash in its chips, but it decided to commit murder suicide, taking my hard drive down with it. It's amazing what a couple of …
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The Cozycast Is Finally Here!
Sorry this is going up so late, and sorry for the general neglect of this place over the last little while. Laziness, busyness, illness, hung overness and going out and having funness haven’t made for the best of reading lately. Hopefully things can start getting back to normal soon, but to hold you over until …
An Unmanageable JAWS Keyboard Manager
Edit: It’s not Thunderbird’s scripts’ fault because a demo of JAWS 12 even crashes when I try and open the keyboard manager and it doesn’t know about those scripts. I’m so confused. Here’s a weird one, and I haven’t been able to find the answer anywhere, so hey, why not put it up here? Maybe …
You Can Trust PC Trust
Yea! I have more happy posts! Happy posts make me happy! Yeah, and I love having fun, because it’s fun! Today started off badly. Remember back when Steve lamented his USB keyboard issues? Well, they came back with a vengeance. He was still using his PS2 keyboard, but every so often, the computer would yelp …
When our computers broke the other day, hopefully we’ll have a longer post about that when we figure out exactly what happened, we had to call in our friend and super tech. He’s the one who likes to be paid in good turns for someone else, although this time he had a beer, so we’re …
I Think I’m Gonna Cry. Please, Don’t Make Me Cry
I hate computers! Just…fucking hate the things! Carinmentioned earlierthat my keyboard decided to die out of the blue this morning. Well, we did the logical thing and bought a new one. so what do you suppose happens when I plug it in? Come on, guess. Yeah, same goddamn thing that was happening with the old …
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Raving About RAIVE
I just have to write this quick post before I get a move on. Ok, so this morning, Steve woke up to find that his computer was acting like a dork. He couldn’t figure out why. We’re pretty sure that his USB keyboard has bitten the biscuit, but we’ll only know after we buy a …
The Need To Do A Good Deed
Remember what I said about pay it forward? Well, who knew I would be in possession of a pay it forward bracelet? And now that I have one, why has it become so hard to do a good deed for someone? Let me back up a bit. Steve’s computer decided the other day that na, …