Christopher’s Not So Secret

I hadn’t heard of it, so I Googled extreme shopping. Unfortunately all I got were things about extreme couponing, so I guess we’ll have to stick to Christopher Durrell Glaze’s definition. According to him, extreme shopping is “when you go shopping and you talk to girls and flirt.” But I also looked up flirt, a …

If You Want To Meet Women, You Have To Go Where Women Go

I’m running out of ways to introduce these I was looking for a date guys, so I’m just gonna let the prosecutor take it from here. Police prosecutor Sergeant Neil Williams said that at about 11am on September 1, a woman saw Choi inside the women’s public toilets below the ramp leading to the New …

Every Name In This Story Is Amazingly Amazing

Everything about this story is glorious. A man was arrested for allegedly committing lewd acts in the parking lot of a truck stop called Love’s Travel Stop. It is located in the town of Kirkwood. The fellow’s name is Calvin E. Wank. And perhaps best of all, he lives in Deposit, which is a real …

Someone Came Between Me And My Calvins

I can’t think of a better way to start a morning than reading about a dude with a bag on his head throwing a humping to a pack of women’s underwear in the great outdoors. So… According to police, on Wednesday afternoon officers were respondind to a call in Oklahoma City when a witness told …

At Least He Didn’t Ask Anyone To Blow Into This Here Tube

What’s up with the cops these days, man? It seems like if they’re not in the news for roughing up someone else, it’s because they’re too busy doing it to themselves. Meet Newton, New Jersey police officer Jason Miller, henceforth known as Constable Cocknballs. According to several statements and some video that’s said to not …

Oregon Grinder

I know Portland has a reputation for being a weird city, but this sounds more like Florida weird than Portland weird. Maybe Florida is contagious? An officer approached Joey Vandervort, 19, just after 12:30 a.m. in the area of North Lombard St. and North Burlington Street in St. Johns. Police said Vandervort was exposing himself …

Oh, What A Feeling! I’m Falling From The Ceiling

Update: Turns out we’ve used this exact post title before. But hey, why mess with what works? Oh, and thanks to James for passing this one along. Considering how stupidly expensive everything in airports is, you’d think they might have enough money kicking around to build a good, strong ceiling. But then again you might …