Detroit Metropolitan Airport Now Has A Service Dog Bathroom

Hey Carin. If one of your trips takes you through Detroit Metropolitan Airport and you wind up spending some time in the McNamara Terminal, let us know what Tans thinks of the fancy new indoor service dog bathroom. In lieu of doored stalls or urinals, the bathroom features a pair of tiny grass yards. It’s …

What Happens To A Guide Dog When It Retires?

I needed this article when I was retiring Trix. If you’re in the middle of retiring a guide dog, and get someone who asks you a million questions about when does a guide dog retire, and where do they go when they retire, etc. instead of explaining until you’re blue in the face, just send …

Late Happy Birthday Trix Wishes

So…as seems to be the thing lately, I’m late with marking some important Trixie dates. A week ago Wednesday, she turned 9, and this Tuesday that just passed was the day she came home with me…while I wore that big ol’ knee brace. That was 7 years ago. Woe. So, I’m going to do my …

Tans’s Dog Day Anniversary Was Yesterday

I don’t have much time to write this, but I figured I would try. Yesterday marks the anniversary of when I got Tansy. Can anyone else believe that’s possible? The only way I know for sure is that dates don’t lie. She came into my room in her maniacal fashion, and I pretty much fell …

Tansy Observations, The Winter Edition

It’s been a while since I’ve written Tansy updates, so here’s a bunch. As I was combing the blog to make sure I hadn’t already written some of these things, I laughed at the following passage: “So Tansy’s first winter has arrived, and we’ve had a few challenges, but nothing like what Trix and I …

Mutt Muffs: For Dogs In Loud Places

Steve already wrote his summary of the Barenaked Ladies concert, and mine is pretty much the same. It was weird seeing them now, and knowing I saw them 7 years ago when they still included Steven Page, and yup, for the most part, they pulled it off…except for the part where your mind just begs …