Um, hello there. It’s September. I haven’t written in a long time and it’s getting so all the beginnings of my posts look the same. But I’ve been compiling a lot of notes, to the point that even looking at the notes file makes me want to run away. Let’s start with the easy stuff, …
Category Archives: dogs
If The Dog Could Talk, What A Tale He’d Tell, About The Cars, And The Stairs, And The Holes As Well
I saw this article about an electronic harness that a service dog can wear that they can use to communicate with us, and thought so many things. My first thought, after reading only the title, was “if they could pull this off, that would be freakin cool! How would this work?” Then I thought about …
Trixie and Tansy Meet, And We Get Video
Hi. It’s me. You know, the one who never writes anymore? I have a metric boatload of ideas for posts. Who knows how many I’ll get through…but here goes. I’d said a while back that Trixie and Tansy had met, and the meeting wasn’t the most wonderful. Well, they’ve since had 2 more meetings, and …
Be Careful. It’s A Dog Eat Ball World Out There
Man. You try to do a nice thing by taking in a stray dog and giving it a good home and the next thing you know, the damned thing is chewing off your testicles while you sleep. Around 7:45 a.m. Monday he was awakened by a “burning pain” in his mid-section, according to the initial …
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Changes AT GDB: My Thoughts
I haven’t written about this…frankly because I didn’t feel like I had enough brain cells left at the end of the day or the weekend to truly get my thoughts down. I still don’t feel very eloquent whenever I think about this, but I have to write something down. While I was in class, GDB, …
United Breaks Geography
I was thinking to myself the other day that it had been a while since United Airlines broke anything. Have they finally started to shape up or have I just not been on the ball enough, I wondered. Of course, this being United, the answer is a resounding column B. An English Springer Spaniel named …
Tansy the Kangaroo
For some unknown reason, I felt the need to look at Tansy’s training journals again. I couldn’t help but notice how many mentions of jumping were in there. And it’s becoming a bit of a problem. I’m sure I can fix it with the right coping strategies, but I need ’em and I need ’em …
Trix meets Tans!
So, Trixie and Tansy met for the first time last weekend. I thought it was going to be this weekend, but it turned out to be last weekend. Hmm…I’m not sure how to describe their meeting. Tansy was thrilled to death and was her party animal self. Trixie, on the other hand, kept changing her …
No Buddy, You’re Supposed To Be Guarding Us, Not Him!
Does anybody care to take a stab at explaining the story of Jason McDaniel? Best I can tell, he’s part burglar, part murderer and part dog whisperer. “He was standing there with the refrigerator door open and feeding their dog, Buddy, some pudding,” assistant police chief Dan Reierson told the Wanatchee World newspaper. McDaniel casually …
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Tansy Updates Part 2
Holy crap have I accumulated a pile of thoughts. Here is Part 2 of my Tansy brain dump. In a couple of weeks, we’re going to a family thing, and Brad will be there with the Trixter. It will be the first Tansy meeting with the Trixter! But I wonder if this meeting will be …