Missing Guide Dog Anka Has Been Found And Returned

On Monday, Carin wrote up a quick post about Anka, a guide dog that had gone missing in Texas. Today, we’re happy to be able to share the news that she’s been found and returned safe and sound. A couple saw the dog walking across the street at Shiloh Road and Royal Lane in North …

Life, The Universe, CSUN, Trixie, Guide Dog Class, And Everything

Here I am again…much sooner than last time but still taking a long time between posts. CSUN was amazing. Damn I wish I could go every year. And I really didn’t get to see much of the exhibit hall since I was in so many sessions. It was weird basically having to make your own …

The Second Installment of Here’s Where I’ve Been For The Last Stretch Of Time

And, if you’re not bored yet, this thing keeps rollin’. Random observation: There are all of these either police cars or firetrucks that we always hear that have sirens like in Indiana Wants Me. What’s up with that? I’ve never heard so many sirens that sound like that…anywhere. They sound ancient. I’m afraid that anything …

Some Thoughts on Christmas Eve

Holy crap it’s Christmas Eve and I’m actually at my computer. That never happens…ever I don’t think. So I figured I’d write a big rambling something or other. It’s been a busy season of Christmas stuff, but it still feels like it somehow snuck up on us. We’ve already taken a trip back to Guelph …

Moving-Related Thoughts: So How Are We Anyway?

Holy crap I’m discovering I have a lot to say. Twice I set out to write *1* post about moving. Twice I’ve had to stooooop…so it didn’t overflow into miles and miles and miles and miles of writing. Hmmm. How far will I get in this post? So while all this is going on, Rogers …

A Trix Update From Her New Home

Well, as Brad promised, here is a post on how the Trixeroo is doing. Sounds like things are going well…that peeing on everything she can outside thing is a new one. Funny how they change. So here it is. I hear that a lot of you are wondering what is happening with Trixie since the …