A Cute Little Guide Dog Song/Video

I warn anyone who has an ear for music, they might want to run screaming from the video I’m about to put up. But I couldn’t resist. Some guide dog instructors got cute and made a video called I’m Your Guide Dog, So Trust Me Baby. You know, Call Me Maybe? Trust Me Baby? Har? …

United Breaks Dog Life Expectancy

Oh United, you endless source of material you. The 140-pound Mastiff traveled from Miami to San Francisco via Houston in August. The owner had made the trip with his pet before with no problems, but on an 85 degree day in Houston, he was horrified to see that Bam Bam the dog was transported to …

Shit People Say About Retiring A Guide Dog

Now that I’ve got it out there that Trix is retiring, I decided to write one of those “shit people say” posts. John Q. Public is a wealth of…sometimes amusement, sometimes frustration, sometimes bewildering stupidity. And I have seen a lot of this now that Trix is retiring and I’m out with the cane. As …

United Breaks Service Dogs

Considering I just finished flying, this story gives me chills. Apparently United doesn’t just break guitars, and spirits, they break service animals too. Jim Stanek, a war veteran with a service dog, says that two United Airlines workers kicked his dog. Kicked? Why in the name of all that’s holy would you do that? Now …